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1-23-20 Rapture Ready News

Rapture Ready End Times News

23 Jan 2020

Adam Schiff: Americans are too stupid to decide elections
Schiff charged that the results of elections cannot be trusted and Americans who vote are too stupid to make such decisions. “He actually said it. The son of a … actually said it,”
China Quarantines City Of 11 Million As Hong Kong Confirms Second Case Of Coronavirus
Chinese authorities have reportedly suspended all outbound air and train travel from the city, expanding on their edict that nobody leave, and nobody enter, the city in central China, which has a population of 11 million people, making it larger than New York City.
70th Anniversary Of Orwell’s Death Sees ‘Newspeak’ Censorship Soaring
It is a dangerous practice: Government, corporations, universities, news outlets and “experts” curating our information so that we cannot access, see or believe that which they determine we should not access, see or believe. If anyone had suggested to Orwell, or the American founders, that we would invite this sort of manipulation and control of our information, they wouldn’t have believed it.
“I Don’t See Her In Beijing Or Delhi” – Niall Ferguson Slams Davos’ “Virtue Signaling” Greta Fanboys
Quite a speech, and the billionaire crowd at Davos soaked it all up, proudly patting themselves on the back and supporting Greta and her ‘movement’. However, as Niall Ferguson, Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, explained during a brief (and uncomfortable) interview on CNBC, it’s all bullshit.
Commander of Iranian militia shot dead
Gunmen in Iran shot dead a commander of the hardline Basij militia who was an ally of Qassem Soleimani, the senior Revolutionary Guards commander killed in a US drone strike in Iraq,….Abdolhossein Mojaddami, a Basij commander in the city of Darkhovin in the southwestern province of Khuzestan, was shot on Tuesday in front of his home by two men riding a motorcycle, said IRNA.
Senior Saudi Muslim leader set for “groundbreaking” visit to Auschwitz Thursday. Historic moment in faith diplomacy.
In an historic moment in what I call “faith diplomacy,” the top Muslim religious leader in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will visit the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in southern Poland for the first time on Thursday. He will also participate a delegation of Muslim and Jewish leaders commemorating the liberation of Auschwitz 75 years ago this week.
Australia Slammed With Hail, Pestilence, Darkness Plagues in one Week
In the midst of raging wildfires, hailstones the size of baseballs pounded Australia in a mix of elemental opposites echoing the Egyptian plague. As if that reminder of the Exodus were not enough, a massive dust storm turned day into night. These and other phenomena created a pre-Messiah show of wonders in the hard-hit continent down under conspicuously timed to coincide with the week when Jews around the world read the section of the Torah relating the story of the plaques in Egypt.
‘We Will Never Tire of Defending Innocent Life’: President Trump Makes Roe Anniversary ‘Sanctity of Life Day’
“I ask every citizen of this great Nation to listen to the sound of silence caused by a generation lost to us, and then to raise their voices for all affected by abortion, both seen and unseen.” -President Donald J Trump. US President Donald J. Trump has declared January 22, the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision imposing abortion on demand across the country, to be “National Sanctity of Human Life Day.”
Tulsi Gabbard sues Hillary Clinton for $50 million over ‘Russian asset’ remarks
Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard unveiled a defamation lawsuit on Wednesday against Hillary Clinton as a response to Clinton’s October remarks calling Gabbard a “Russian asset.”
CDC confirms first case of coronavirus in the United States
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed the first case of coronavirus in the United States. After returning to Seattle, Washington, from traveling in Wuhan, China, a man in his 30s began to experience pneumonia-like symptoms, the CDC announced Tuesday. “Based on the patient’s travel history and symptoms, healthcare professionals suspected this new coronavirus. A clinical specimen was collected and sent to CDC overnight, where laboratory testing yesterday confirmed the diagnosis,”
White House urging Netanyahu to refrain from annexation, to wait for plan
The Trump administration has urged Israel to hold back from unilaterally annexing the Jordan Valley, recommending that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wait for the US peace plan instead. Netanyahu has spoken of Jordan Valley annexation since the summer, and it has been presumed that the Trump administration would support such a move or at the very least not oppose it.
China locks down two cities at epicenter of virus outbreak
China put on lockdown on Thursday two cities at the epicenter of a new coronavirus outbreak that has killed 17 people and infected nearly 600, as health authorities around the world scramble to prevent a global pandemic. Health officials fear the transmission rate will accelerate as hundreds of millions of Chinese travel at home and abroad during week-long holidays for the Lunar New Year…
Hezbollah a ‘major architect’ of Lebanon’s new government
The formation of a new government in Lebanon after months of political deadlock is unlikely to quell continuing protests, analysts say. The new government, which consists of 20 ministers, is led by the newly-appointed Prime Minister Hassan Diab, who has been the frontrunner for the position for weeks.
Nebraska governor declares day of prayer to end abortionNebraska Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts issued a proclamation Wednesday declaring that January 22, the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling, will be a statewide day of prayer, calling on his constituents to ask God to help end abortion in the United States.
Ex-Witch’s Warning About New Disney Show: ‘It’s Not a Joke… That Realm Is Very Real’A new Disney cartoon is teaching kids that being a witch is a good thing. It’s called “The Owl House” and recently premiered on the Disney Channel.
World needs to prepare for ‘millions’ of climate displaced: U.N.The world needs to prepare for millions of people being driven from their homes by the impact of climate change, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said on Tuesday.
Disney World, Universal Orlando water parks closed due to cold weather
Heads up if you’re vacationing in Florida this chilly week: Several water parks in Florida are closing due to cold temperatures in the Sunshine State.
CIA Director Testified to Congress That He Told The Obama White House Everything About “Trump-Russia” Disproven Ties
How much longer the mainstream media will be able to protect our former Manchurian president will be determined by U.S. Attorney General William Barr and the man he appointed to determine the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion witch-hunt, U.S. Attorney John Durham.
Commander of Iranian militia shot dead
Gunmen in Iran shot dead a commander of the hardline Basij militia who was an ally of Qassem Soleimani, the senior Revolutionary Guards commander killed in a US drone strike in Iraq, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing Iran’s official news agency IRNA.
Less than half of Americans know 6 million Jews killed in Holocaust
A poll found that less than half of Americans know how many Jewish people were killed in the Holocaust.
China Quarantines City Of 11 Million As Hong Kong Confirms Second Case Of CoronavirusAfter praising all of China’s efforts to contain the outbreak, the WHO Director General announced that the emergency committee would delay its decision on whether to declare the coronavirus a major health emergency of international concern because the committee wants “more information.”
STUNNING! YouTube Takes Down Judicial Watch and Right Side Broadcasting’s Impeachment Feed — Want to Drive Viewers to Liberal Media Feeds!
The Democrats sent their elite brain trust to the Senate Floor on Tuesday to push their sham impeachment against President Donald Trump.
Dark Money Group Founded By Bernie Sanders Is Violating The Law, Watchdog Group Says
A dark money group founded by Sen. Bernie Sanders is violating federal campaign finance law, according to a Federal Election Commission complaint filed Wednesday.
US Navy To Revive Flak Cannons To Combat Drone Attacks
“We’re looking at another round called the proximity round, which detects the drone as it approaches and then blows up.”

This post first appeared on ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES, please read the originial post: here

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1-23-20 Rapture Ready News


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