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12-20-19 Rapture Ready News

Rapture Ready End Times News

20 Dec 2019

Graham Slams ‘Incredibly Dangerous’ Pelosi For Dictating Impeachment Terms
Graham hit back, saying “Just think for a moment, you pass articles of impeachment in the House, you refuse to send them into the Senate until the Senate constructs a trial of your liking as Speaker of the House,” adding “We have separations of power for a reason. You can’t be Speaker of the House and Majority Leader of the Senate at the same time.”
Protests Banned Across India After All Hell Breaks Loose
Tens of thousands of people in at least 15 cities across India Thursday defied a government ban on protests after violent demonstrations last week sent the country into chaos following the passage of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA),… .
Secular Jews claim they don’t exist to spite the president
Leftist Jews, aided and abetted by a willing media, have truly gone insane. President Trump last week made one of the most positive moves to combat antisemitism ever seen from a world leader, announcing a smart and necessary Executive Order to protect Jews at America’s colleges and universities. And the Left would have us believe this order was itself antisemitic.
Israeli jets target Hamas sites in response to rocket fire
For the second time in less than 24 hours Israeli jets struck Hamas positions in the southern Gaza Strip following earlier rocket fire on Thursday evening. The military said that Israeli jets struck an “underground infrastructure and a naval target” belonging to Hamas in the southern Gaza Strip as well as “a terrorist military compound in the northern Gaza Strip.”
German governing parties seek ban of Hezbollah in Europe
Mathias Middelberg, the spokesman for Angela Merkel’s conservatives in the parliament, claims that Germany has a special responsibility to keep Israel safe and calls for EU to list the political wing of the Iranian-backed groups as a terrorist organization
New Evil Cults of Replacement Theology Popping Up: A Sign Messiah Nearing says Rabbi
The deadly shooting last week at a kosher grocery store in Jersey City, New Jersey brought the anti-Semitic theology of the Black Hebrew Israelites movement to international prominence. “Those followers view themselves as the true ‘chosen people’ and believe that blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans are the true descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel. They view white people as agents of Satan.”
U.S. Army Worries Humanity Is Biased Against Deadly Cyborg Soldiers Because Of Movies Like Terminator
The U.S. Army is hard at work imagining what the human-machine hybrids of the future will be able to accomplish on the battlefields of 2050. But the folks in charge of keeping America safe also have their concerns. Specifically, the U.S. Army is worried that humans are biased against deadly cyborg soldiers, just because we’ve all seen the Terminator franchise and it doesn’t work out very well for the humans.
Trudeau Votes Against Israel for Second Time
I will bless those who bless you And curse him that curses you; And all the families of the earth Shall bless themselves by you.” Genesis 12:3 Canada on Tuesday voted to uphold its Nov. 20 preliminary vote in favor of a United Nations resolution that calls eastern Jerusalem “occupied” territory and condemns Israel’s West Bank security barrier.
Jews Shouldn’t Ignore the Real Lesson of Corbyn’s Defeat
The possibility of an anti-Semite being elected prime minister at the head of a party that seemed to share his prejudicial attitudes created a sense of panic in the Jewish community there. The main lessons being drawn from Labour’s debacle on this side of the pond revolve around the possible parallels between the British election and the one that will be held in the United States next November. Americans who support President Donald Trump hope that what happened to Labour might be replicated here regarding the Democrats.
Senior PA official Admits it’s a Palestinian “Value” to Murder Israelis
Senior PA official Abbas Zaki recently bragged that it is a Palestinian ‘value’ to murder Israeli men. Speaking at the opening of the fourth Fatah “Loyalty to the Martyrs” conference in the Salfit sub-district, …
New CRISPR tool hijacks “jumping genes” for gentle DNA editing
The CRISPR gene-editing system is a marvel of modern science, but cutting strands of DNA may not be the safest or most elegant solution. Researchers at Columbia University have developed a new version called INTEGRATE that works in a similar but gentler way, using “jumping genes” that insert large sequences of DNA without breaking the strands. And they’ve now imaged the mechanism at work for the first time.
Pompeo announces new measures against ‘evil and wrong’ Iranian regime
The Iranian regime must stop abusing…its own people if it wants Iran to return to prosperity, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said…Pompeo lamented that for the last 40 years the Iranian regime has shown “disrespect” toward its people, destabilizing the internal order of the country, weakening Iran’s economy, and making Iran “a pariah state in the eyes of freedom-loving people all across the world.”
Palestinians can claim restitution for ‘occupation,’ 160 UN nations say
Palestinians have a right to claim restitution for their loss of natural resources due to the Israeli occupation, the United Nations General Assembly said… It approved…an annual resolution called “Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including east Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources.”
Israeli jets target Hamas sites in response to rocket fire
For the second time in less than 24 hours Israeli jets struck Hamas positions in the southern Gaza Strip following earlier rocket fire on Thursday evening. The military said that Israeli jets struck an “underground infrastructure and a naval target” belonging to Hamas in the southern Gaza Strip as well as “a terrorist military compound in the northern Gaza Strip.”
Trump impeachment: President demands immediate Senate trial
US President Donald Trump has demanded an immediate impeachment trial in the Senate, amid an impasse among Democrats and Republicans over when it may start. On Wednesday, the House impeached Mr Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. But Democrats have refused to start the proceedings, arguing the Republican-controlled Senate is refusing witnesses and will not hold a fair trial.
French pensions standoff hardens as strike enters 3rd week
A gruelling French transport strike over a planned pension reform entered its third week on Thursday, with little relief in sight after talks between unions and the government failed to bring the two sides any closer to a compromise. “We’re still very, very far from any agreement,” Laurent Berger of the CFDT…said after a marathon day of union meetings with Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on Wednesday.
Libyan force attacking Tripoli gives militias 3-day deadline
A Libyan force fighting to capture the country’s capital from the U.N.-supported government based in Tripoli on Friday gave the militias defending the city a three-day deadline to pull out. The self-styled Libyan National Army issued a statement demanding that the powerful Misrata militias, which are fighting on behalf of the government…withdraw from both Tripoli and the coastal city of Sirte.
Iowa Man Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison For Setting LGBTQ Flag on Fire
An Iowa man was sentenced to 16 years in prison for setting an LGBTQ flag on fire. Adolfo Martinez, 30, stole a rainbow-colored pride banner that was hanging from the side of a church and lit it on fire in June of this year.
Haitian President Testifies Against Clintons: ‘They Raped and Pillaged Haiti’ 
The former Senate President of Haiti, Bernard Sansaricq, has gone on the record to testify against Bill and Hillary Clinton. During a statement, he accused the Clintons of “raping and pillaging the Haitian people.”
Widespread flooding after very heavy rain hits southern Iran
Floods have spread through Iran’s southern provinces of Hormozgan, Khuzestan, and Bushehr, on December 19, 2019. The flooding began around December 16 after a period of very heavy rain, when at least one person went missing and four others were rescued after a car was swept away. Around 1 000 people have been affected in the provinces of Khuzestan and Bushehr, with as much as 300 displaced. The city of Abadan recorded 113 mm (4.4 inches) of rain in 24 few hours to December 16, 2019– this is roughly half the usual amount of its annual rainfall.
Severe storms claim 16 lives across the South and Midwest, snow squalls barrel through the Northeast, U.S.
Severe storms affecting the United States over the past couple of days claimed at least 16 lives as of Wednesday, December 18, 2019. 12 fatalities in the Midwest are blamed on dangerous road conditions, while at least 4 died in tornado outbreak in the Deep South. Meanwhile, snow squall warnings were in effect through the Northeast.
You have NO IDEA what’s coming: Virginia Dems to unleash martial law attack on 2A counties using roadblocks to confiscate firearms and spark a shooting war
After passing extremely restrictive anti-gun legislation in early 2020, Virginia has a plan to deploy roadblocks at both the county and state levels to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens (at gunpoint, of course) as part of a deliberate effort to spark a shooting war with citizens, sources are now telling Natural News.
Obama Admin Busted for Approving $200k Grant to Terror-Connected Organization
Few nations have felt the sting of Islamism as acutely as Sudan. When the Second Sudanese Civil War started in 1983 (just 11 years removed from the First Sudanese Civil War), the east African nation was already one of the more despairing corners on God’s green earth.
Mexico Is In Crisis, And It’s Not Just The Cartels. It’s The Elites
Last week, millions of pilgrims arrived in Mexico City for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. They came from all over Mexico and Central America—by bus, caravan, bicycle, motorcycle, even on foot. Driving through Mexico City in the days leading up to the feast, you could spot peregrinos hiking through the city, large icons of the Virgin Mary affixed to their backpacks and festooned with tinsel garlands.
Lesbian Ads On The Hallmark Channel Are Just The Beginning
On the latest episode of “Everybody on the Internet is Angry,” the Hallmark Channel found itself caught between a Christian rock and an LGBT hard place. After the network ran a commercial from online wedding firm Zola featuring a lesbian wedding, One Million Moms, a division of the American Family Association, “voiced its concern and gave Hallmark the opportunity to do the right thing.”

This post first appeared on ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES, please read the originial post: here

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12-20-19 Rapture Ready News


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