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11-27-19 Rapture Ready News

Rapture Ready End Times News

27 Nov 2019

Yellowstone Area Experiences 193 Earthquakes in a Month: Report
The park is home to the largest and most diverse collection of natural thermal features in the world and spans an area of 3,470 square miles, comprising of lakes, canyons, rivers, mountain ranges and the Yellowstone Caldera–the largest supervolcano on the continent.
If post-hearing polls right, Dems will regret it bigly
A veteran of the tea party movement predicts Democratic lawmakers will regret their impeachment push against President Donald Trump….the second-hand testimony of White House officials and State Department bureaucrats failed to interest TV viewers, or may even angered the public who witnessed the “Deep State” at work against the commander in chief.
We Can Only Choose One: Our National Economy Or Globalization
Does our economy serve our society, or does our society serve our economy, and by extension, those few who extract most of the economic benefits? It’s a question worth asking, as beneath the political churn around the globe, the issues raised by this question are driving the frustration and anger that’s manifesting in social and political disorder…..a national capitalism would underline and reinforce that lost idea of the common good.”
Schiff Hits The Fan: First House Democrat Publicly Opposes Impeachment
House Democrats have suffered their first impeachment defection after Rep. Brenda Lawrence of Michigan said she no longer supports the effort.
Thousands rally against Netanyahu indictment as PM steps up pressure
At least 8000 gather at Tel Aviv Museum of Art holding banners, slamming the attorney general and state prosecutors in a demonstration against Israel leader’s corruption charges; ‘Rule of law isn’t above the law,’ says PM backer Miri Regev
Trump to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorists
US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he will designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorists over their role in drug and human trafficking.
At least six killed, 325 injured, as 6.4-magnitude earthquake strikes Albania
A powerful earthquake shook Albania where after a series of aftershocks, at 03:55 Tuesday morning, with a magnitude of 6.4, it knocked down palaces and caused extensive damage, unfortunately leaving 11 dead. In Thumana, where the most dramatic situation is, an elderly woman lost her life after falling under the rubble. A shaking scene where you can’t hold back your tears. In her lap, relatives and firefighters pulled the little nephew alive.
Digging in Spot where Temple Vessels Last Seen has Just been Authorized
A new project based on a miraculous-but-true story may return the Temple vessels which have been hidden away in plain sight, waiting for the proper time to build the Temple. Since finding the spot, Moskoff has acquired all the government permits required. He has also received the blessings of several prominent rabbis (and hidden righteous men) for success in his mission. The precise location must remain a secret lest interlopers steal any artifacts still at the site. The rabbis and hidden righteous men have urged him to move forward. Not only is it time, but if we hesitate, we might lose the opportunity,” Moskoff said.
Report: Mainstream Media Being Paid to Kill Story of Ilhan Omar Being Qatari Agent
Ilhan Omar was recruited by and received funding from Qatar a Florida court was told. She also passed sensitive information via intermediates to Iran reports Al-Arabiya. The allegations arose during the testimony of Kuwati-Canadian businessman Alan Bender. Bender was at the time, providing evidence in the trial of Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad al-Thani. Al-Thani is the brother of a Qatari emir who is facing charges of ordering his American bodyguard to kill two people. He is also being charged with holding a U.S citizen hostage.
Sweeping VA gun ban, likely confiscation without grandfather clause, proposed by state legislature
Virginia lawmakers are now considering a state law banning the ownership of certain semi-automatic guns deemed “assault firearms” and limiting the magazine capacity of other firearms in the state — and there are no clauses that would allow existing owners to continue possessing them.
Naftali Bennett: Israel will no longer release the bodies of terrorists
Israel will no longer release the bodies of terrorists, according to a new policy by Defense Minister Naftali Bennett. This will be the case regardless of to which terrorist organization the person belonged. Bennett instructed the IDF and the defense establishment on Tuesday to completely stop the release of terrorist bodies.
IDF attacks Gaza again after rocket fire
Israel struck Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip after rockets were fired towards southern communities on Tuesday night from the coastal enclave. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that that some of the targets in the two waves of airstrikes included Hamas underground military facilities as well as a weapons production facility, in response to two rockets that were fired towards the city of Sderot.
Egyptian shell hits Israeli yeshiva on the border – no casualties
A shell from an Egyptian tank hit the dining hall of a yeshiva in Bnei Netzarim, a community located only a few kilometers west of Egypt and south of the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, The Jerusalem Post’s sister publication Maariv reported. Damages were reported, but no injuries. The hall was empty at the time of the impact because students were learning in a different part of the building.
Albania earthquake: Fresh tremors as toll rises
Rescuers are scrambling to find survivors under the rubble of buildings in Albania, where a strong earthquake has killed 26 people and injured 650. The magnitude-6.4 tremor struck 34km (21 miles) north-west of the capital, Tirana, as people slept in their beds during the early hours of Tuesday. Most of the deaths occurred in the coastal city of Durres and the town of Thumane, close to the epicentre.
Iran letter raises prospect of ‘white list’ internet clampdown
The Iranian government has written to state-run organisations and private companies asking them which foreign websites they rely on. The effort has come to light 11 days after the authorities imposed a week-long internet blackout following protests against a rise in fuel prices. Some experts believe…Tehran plans to operate a “white list” scheme, under which only approved sites would be made available.
Jordanian Army Conducts Maneuvers Simulating Military Battle With Israel 
Yesterday, November 25, 2019, the Jordanian Army conducted military maneuvers named “Swords of Karama,” named for Israel’s 1968 military operation against Fatah that took place near the village of Karama, and in which the Jordanian Army fought alongside Fatah. The maneuvers took place in the presence of King Abdullah II and appear to be a message addressed to Israel.
Hong Kong university siege winds down as hunt for protesters comes up empty
As the final searches for any pro-democracy protesters still hiding in Hong Kong’s Polytechnic University came up empty on Wednesday, academic authorities prepared for the clean-up following a near two-week siege of the campus by riot police. Police still guarded the perimeter as for a second day security teams scoured the maze of buildings at the campus…
Egypt using secret agency to crush free speech, Amnesty says 
Egypt’s government is using a secretive security agency designed to fight terrorism to detain peaceful protesters, journalists and critics on trumped-up charges without trial, Amnesty International said in a report released Wednesday. The 60-page report…details how Egypt’s Supreme State Security Prosecution…has become increasingly central to President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi’s sweeping crackdown on dissent.
Bennett threatens to harden retaliation policy towards Hamas
Defense Minister Naftali Bennett warned the Gaza terror factions Wednesday morning that Israel will respond to any rockets fired at Israeli territory, whether they hit population centers or not. “We deem a rocket that does not cause damage to be the same as a rocket that does,” Naftali Bennett wrote in a tweet. “Whoever shoots – gets hit.”
Argentine Court Convicts Two Catholic Priests of Sexually Abusing Deaf Students
An Argentine court found two Catholic priests guilty of sexually abusing children at a school for the deaf, in a case that horrified the country and raised questions about how Pope Francis, an Argentine native, responded to the crimes.
100 MPH Wind Gusts Hit Mammoth Area Ahead of Storm Forecast to Dump Snow on Sierra Nevada
Dangerous winds in the Sierra Nevada area toppled a semi-trailer truck, downed power lines and closed a stretch of highway in Southern California on Monday ahead of a winter storm expected to bring up to 2 feet of snow to mountain tops around Lake Tahoe.
Storms in France, Greece and Italy leave ‘biblical destruction’
Nine people have died as violent storms swept through parts of France, Greece and Italy over the weekend, causing flash floods, landslides and the collapse of an overpass.
‘Victims Becoming the Perpetrators’: Remarks about Jews at Elite Private School Spark Outrage
Remarks by a guest speaker at an elite New York City private school who charged that Jews have fallen into a historical cycle in which the oppressed become the oppressor have sparked internal controversy—and elicited the condemnation of the Anti-Defamation League.
REPORT: Ilhan Omar Recruited by a Foreign Government; Passed Sensitive Information to QatarIn a major breaking report, a sworn deposition in a Florida court has stated that Ilhan Omar was recruited by a foreign government, received funding from them, and passed sensitive information to Qatar that ultimately ended up with Iran.
Forget the 5G Debate, Current Wifi May Already Be Killing Us: Consider These Two Enlightening Experiments by High School Students –
Our children are our future and many of them are concerned with advancing technologies and their UNTESTED and UNDOCUMENTED potentially harmful, if not fatal, side effects.
Mexican Cartels ‘Will Be Designated’ as Terrorist Organizations, Says President Trump
President Donald Trump told Bill O’Reilly he will designate some Mexican cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) during an interview released on Tuesday.
L.A.’s New Project Housing Homeless In Shipping Containers Costs $600k Per Home
Los Angeles Democratic Mayor Eric Garcetti and other city leaders recently broke ground on a permanent supportive housing complex that will use stacked shipping containers to house formerly homeless people.
‘ARREST BY ALGORITHM’: China Uses Artificial Intelligence To Flag Entire Groups Of People For Arrest, Report Says
A new trove of highly classified leaked documents from the Chinese communist government shows how Beijing operates their widespread concentration camps where they reportedly have millions of Muslims and other minorities locked-up.
Very strong M6.4 earthquake hits Albania, collapsed buildings reported, numerous aftershocks
A very strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.4 hit Albania at 02:54 UTC (03:54 LT) on November 26, 2019. The agency is reporting a depth of 20 km (12.4 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.4 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). This is Albania’s biggest earthquake in decades. Numerous aftershocks were recorded.
Severe, fast-moving thunderstorm hits Sydney, leaving widespread damage and 76 000 homes without power, Australia
A severe, fast-moving thunderstorm tore through the Greater Sydney region on Tuesday afternoon, November 26, 2019. Lightning and strong winds of 90 km/h (56 mph) wreaked havoc in the area, leaving widespread damage and around 76 500 homes without electricity.
Chick-fil-A, Gay Mayor Pete, And The Openly Declared War Now Being Waged Against The Christian Church By The LGBTQ+P For Pedophile Movement
2019 has been an absolutely incredible year if you are a prophecy and end times watcher like we here at Now The End Begins are. We still have about 5 weeks left to go, and so far we’ve seen Pope Francis sign a covenant with Islam, create an interfaith council to create a world headquarters for Chrislam in Abu Dhabi, Kanye West conning Christians with his “Jesus Is King” Illuminati album, Hillsong Church holding a Christmas show in a space decorated with pagan images of child sacrifice, Bill Gates called for mandatory vaccinations combined with an implantable RFID microchip, Charismatic churches using occult devices like the Enneagram, Mattel launching a line of gender neutral dolls, and students at Union Theological Seminary confessing their ‘climate sins’ to house plants.

This post first appeared on ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES, please read the originial post: here

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11-27-19 Rapture Ready News


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