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5-16-19 Rapture Ready News

Rapture Ready News

16 May 2019

Barr trolls Pelosi: ‘Did you bring your handcuffs?’
Democrats in Congress have been fuming that Barr refused to follow their orders to turn over an unredacted Mueller report along with underlying materials on now-discredited claims the Trump 2016 campaign colluded with Russia.Barr, in fact, is prevented by law from releasing any grand jury materials.
Iran will defeat U.S.-Israeli alliance, says defence minister
Iran’s military commanders said on Wednesday the Islamic Republic was on the verge of an all-out confrontation with its enemies and was ready to counter any threat. “Iran has the highest level of defense-military preparedness to confront any type of threat and excessive demands,”
Alabama Passes A Bill Making Abortion A Felony, Potentially Setting Up A Historic Showdown In The Supreme Court
They actually did it. On Tuesday night, the Alabama Senate passed a bill that would actually make abortion a felony in the state of Alabama. Needless to say, pro-abortion forces all over the nation are officially freaking out about this new law.
Iran officially suspends execution of part of its obligations under nuclear deal
The source noted that Tehran, as it had previously warned, may renew work on uranium enrichment and stop the updating of the heavy water reactor in Arak if the participants to the deal fail to fulfil their obligations under the deal within 60 days.
Minister to Trump: ‘Deal of the Century – or Deal of Eternity’
Ahead of the expected release of the Trump administration’s “Deal of the Century” aimed at achieving peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Rev. Anthony Abma, who heads the Christians in Support of Jewish Sovereignty group, penned a letter to Trump, urging him to “respect and honor the ‘Deal of Eternity’ made thousands of years ago” between God and the nation of Israel, and not to“force a compromise upon Israel that in any way invalidates the terms of that original ‘deal’ made by the God of Creation.” May I also respectfully remind you Mr. President, that to force a compromise upon Israel that in any way invalidates the terms of that original “deal” made by the God of Creation, will seriously risk forfeiting the blessing of God upon the United States of America as per His own words as recorded in Gen 12:3…
Trump declares national emergency to protect communications networks
US President Trump on Wednesday declared a “national emergency” to protect US communications networks. Trump declared the emergency in the form of an executive order that says foreign adversaries are exploiting vulnerabilities in US telecommunications technology and services.
SpaceX readies for space-based internet service with 60-satellite Starlink launch TODAY
The latest space race has started, with companies scrambling to build a functioning space internet. Today, only about 25 percent of the world is served by quality internet. Elon Musk’s SpaceX will today take a significant step to rectifying this, with the launch of the first phase of satellites it hopes will provide universal internet connectivity.
A SERIES of solar storms are set to hit Earth this week as a HUGE hole opened up on the surface of the Sun, scientists have warned.
A coronal hole almost 20 TIMES the size of Earth has opened on the surface of the Sun, releasing particles into the cosmos. The massive hole stretches a staggering 220,000 kilometres across…Unfortunately for Earth, we are in line with the coronal hole and as it is so massive, there could be solar storms hitting our planet until Friday.
Yellowstone eruption: Huge geyser erupts after laying dormant for YEARS
Officials at the national park in Wyoming, US, said the Ledge Geyser burst into life on April 28, letting out huge amounts of steam out as it blew. The Ledge Geyser, which is the second larges in the Norris Geyser Basin, had not shown any activity for three years before its eruption. Ledge Geyser is capable of shooting water up to 125 feet in the air, but scientists believe it has slipped back into its dormant state since the eruption.
Ilhan Omar’s Ignorance and Bigotry on Gaza Rockets
So, too, is US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar encouraging the firing of rockets by Hamas and Islamic Jihad by blaming the Israeli victims for what she calls the “cycle of violence,” instead of blaming those groups for initiating terrorist violence against innocent Israeli civilians. In a tweet following the rocket barrage, Omar justifies the double war crimes committed by terrorists who target Israeli civilians while using Palestinian civilians as human shields.
U.S. trying to mediate Israeli-Lebanese maritime dispute to avoid war 
A senior American official mediating the maritime border dispute between Israel and Lebanon is in Tel Aviv in a push to resolve a maritime border dispute between the two enemy countries. Acting US Assistant Secretary of State David Satterfield was in Beirut on Wednesday and met with Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun and discussed bilateral relations and the latest local and regional developments…
Plot to smuggle military equipment into Gaza foiled 
An attempt to smuggle weapon equipment, scuba diving equipment and communications equipment into the Gaza Strip was foiled on Wednesday, Maariv reported Thursday morning. Two hundred and fifty Israeli mail bags were transferred into the Gaza Strip through the Erez crossing, and was coordinated by the Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration on behalf of the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories.
Minor earthquake felt in Israel and surrounding areas 
Residents in the Center and South reported feeling a minor earthquake on Wednesday night. No injuries or damage was reported. “The whole house shook,” Asaf, a resident of Be’er Ya’acov told Maariv. In addition to Beersheba, those in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv also reported feeling the quake. The 4.6 magnitude earthquake was felt across #Israel. No damage or injuries reported.
North Korea suffers worst drought in decades
North Korea has said it is suffering its worst drought in 37 years and called on its citizens to “battle” against the crop damage caused by it. It comes after the UN said that up to 10 million North Koreans were “in urgent need of food assistance”. North Koreans had been surviving on just 300g (10.5 oz) of food a day so far this year, the UN report said.
Iran-backed militias move rockets in range of U.S. troops: Report
The current ramping up of U.S. military posturing against Iran was triggered by U.S. intelligence that showed Tehran-backed militias in Iraq moving rockets to locations that could hit bases where American troops are positioned in the nation, according to sources familiar with the intelligence. Trump administration officials have said the Pentagon’s bumping up of the deployment last week of a U.S. aircraft carrier and bomber group to the region was justified by intelligence on threats of a potentially imminent attack by Iran on U.S. interests in Iraq…
LED light can damage eyes, health authority warns
The “blue light” in LED lighting can damage the eye’s retina and disturb natural sleep rhythms, France’s government-run health watchdog said this week. New findings confirm earlier concerns that “exposure to an intense and powerful [LED] light is ‘photo-toxic’ and can lead to irreversible loss of retinal cells and diminished sharpness of vision,” the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) warned in a statement.
Christian persecution close to ‘genocide levels,’ largely ignored due to ‘political correctness’: reportPolitical correctness contributes to alarming anti-Christian hostility around the world and caters to the terrorists trying to eradicate Christianity, an expert on religious persecution told Fox News.
Warning: Christians Will Be ‘Forced to Violate Their Beliefs’ if Equality Act Passes
Males identifying as females and using women’s locker rooms. Faith-based adoption and foster agencies required to place children with same-sex couples. Florists and bakers forced to fill orders for same-sex weddings. Critics say these are just a few of the potential results if The Equality Act becomes law.
Abortion Lobby Reacts to Alabama Abortion Ban: ‘War on Women,’ ‘Cruel’
Abortion industry giants and their political allies condemned a ban on most abortions passed by the Alabama State Senate Tuesday and headed to Gov. Kay Ivey’s desk.
Alumni Support Historic Murals of George Washington that ‘Traumatize Students’ at California High School
A mural of George Washington may be destroyed in response to a protest effort by students who claim that the artwork “traumatizes them.” Now an alumni group is fighting back in support of the murals, which they call “unusually progressive for their time.”
Trump team preparing for rollout of the ‘Deal of the Century’ peace plan that will shakeup the Middle EastThe West Bank “could erupt before, during or after you present your peace plan, and you should add this to your calculations.”
US Orders All Non-Essential Staff Out Of Iraq As Iran Vows To Defeat The ‘American-Zionist Alliance’, Says We Are On Cusp Of ‘Full-Scale Confrontation’ With The EnemyWhat started out as potentially mere sabre rattling has morphed into a legitimate brewing confrontation between Iran and the United States. With the arrival today of the USS Abraham Lincoln to the Gulf of Oman, things have just ‘gotten real’ for all the major players in the Gulf region. Even Russia weighed in to defend their allies Syria and Iran.
BOMBSHELL: Bayer discovers “black ops” division run by Monsanto, shuts it down, initiates internal investigation as law enforcement prepares criminal charges against the chemical giant
Monsanto has been running a “black ops” division for over ten years, spending perhaps $100 million or more on efforts to silence, destroy or assassinate anyone who interfered with the agricultural giant’s market dominance.
Ramadan 2019 Starts With A Bang As Islamic Terrorists Kill 165, Wound 145 During First Week Of Muslim ‘Holy’ Month To Please The Moon God AllahWhy do Islamic terror attacks increase so dramatically during the ‘holy’ month of Ramadan in Islam? Because Islam teaches that during that time, their moon god Allah will ‘reward them double’ for acts of martyrdom where they kill themselves and innocent people around them. Allah is angry all the time, it would seem, and the only thing that serves to pacify him to any degree is when his followers murder the ‘infidels’ who don’t believe in him. Ironically, most of the people killed in Islamic terror attacks during Ramadan are Muslims. Go figure.

This post first appeared on ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES, please read the originial post: here

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5-16-19 Rapture Ready News


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