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8-27-18 Rapture Ready News

Rapture Ready News

27 Aug 2018

Psychiatrist calls today’s left ‘mentally ill’
With the American left, the Democratic Party and the establishment news media displaying ever-more bizarre symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome, here comes a veteran psychiatrist making the case that the mental-emotional world of leftists really is tantamount to a mental disorder. “Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”
Russia Attached 12 Flamethrowers To A “Battle Bot” And Set It Loose In Syria
Russia has created a 12-ton “battle bot” which has been equipped with 12 Shmel-M man-portable rocket launchers classified as Rocket-propelled Infantry Flamethrower by their maker. Those can be fitted with destructive thermobaric and incendiary warheads. If that assessment is accurate, maybe they can iron out the kinks and ship a few to South African farmers? Flame-throwing battle bots and mech suits with giant claws ought to do the trick.
Former Vatican Diplomat Accuses Pope Francis Of Complicity In Covering Up McCarrick’s Abuses, Calls For His Resignation
The former apostolic nuncio to the U.S. alleged that Pope Francis knew of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s abuses but chose to ignore them and empower McCarrick. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who served as the top Vatican diplomat to the U.S. from 2011 to 2016, released an 11-page letter Sunday, detailing Francis’s knowledge of McCarrick,…
Turkey lira PLUNGES 38 PERCENT in a year as row with Trump puts world economy on edge
The lira weakened by three percent against the dollar this morning after the week-long Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha. It weakened as far as 6.19 at the close of the business on Friday and this morning it stood at 6.135. An analyst at brokerage Integral Seda Yalcinkaya Ozer said: “The exchange rate sensitivity created by the tension between us and the United States continues.” The slide is driven by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s economic policies and his current stand-off with Mr Trump over evangelical Christian Andrew Brunson.
Strong earthquake hits northwest Iran, killing two and wounding 241
A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck near the Iranian city of Kermanshah, killing two and wounding 241, the Tasnim news agency reported on Sunday. The majority of the casualties were in the city of Tazehabad, northeast of Kermanshah, according to Tasnim.
Iran inks deal with Syria, vows to continue military cooperation
Iran vowed to continue its military cooperation with the Assad regime, signing a deal with the Syrian government on Monday, in defiance of calls for Tehran to withdraw its forces from Syria.
Is the mainstream media the ‘enemy of the people’?
The verdict: No contest. Numbers are twisted, facts omitted, lies spun like thread in order to pile the dirt on the man who defeated Hillary. And so it goes with the ‘holier-than-though’ media. They are deeply hurt, are they? What an audacious, unmitigated chutzpah!
Will international court force US to lift Iran sanctions?
The International Court of Justice in The Hague is set to begin hearing arguments on a petition filed by the Iranian government last month against the economic sanctions imposed by the US on Iran earlier this year, after the US withdrew from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
Asteroid the size of Great Giza Pyramid making a ‘close approach’ to Earth
An asteroid listed as “potentially hazardous” by NASA and estimated to be about the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza is hurtling toward Earth at 20,000 mph . The giant space rock, known as 2016 NF23, measures between 230ft and 525ft in diameter and is expected to make a “close approach” to Earth on August 29. NASA labelled the asteroid as an “Atens” body, meaning its orbit will come into the vicinity of our planet, and has put it on their “potentially hazardous asteroid” list.
Israel’s Natural Water Reserves Lowest in 100 Years
Israel’s natural water reserves are at a deficit of 2.5 billion cubic meters – the largest in 100 years, Israel’s Water Authority said Sunday. The extreme deficit is down to the drought which has been plaguing Israel for the past five years, with some of the country’s streams and rivers on the brink of reaching historically low levels of waterflow.
Russian Warships Heading for Syria
It was reported Turkey sighted three Russian warships passing through the Bosporus last Thursday en route to Syria. “Debka File’s military sources conclude that the two large Russian landing craft consigned from the Black Sea to Syria are almost certainly carrying Russian marines or special forces for attacking rebel groups in Idlib from the sea or the coast,” the site reported.
‘Sleeper’ case could torpedo Mueller report
The substance of the case is entirely unrelated to Mueller’s investigation into whether any of President Donald Trump’s associates aided Russia’s efforts to intervene in the 2016 election. But if a Washington appeals court set to hear the murder-related case next month sides with the Justice Department and rules that judges don’t have the freedom to release grand jury information that is usually kept secret, it could throw a monkey wrench into any plans Mueller has to issue a public report on his probe’s findings, lawyers following the issue said.
Little change in the tropical Pacific; El Niño remains possible in 2018
The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is currently neutral. While the tropical Pacific Ocean has cooled in the past month, most international climate models forecast warming to resume in the coming weeks, with El Niño development possible in the southern spring. Therefore, the Bureau’s ENSO Outlook remains at El Niño WATCH. El Niño WATCH means there is approximately a 50% chance of El Niño forming in 2018; double the normal chance.
Iran says it has control of Gulf and Strait of Hormuz: report
A top navy general in Iranian said Monday the country took full control of the Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, a major shipping route that the Iranians threatened to block in the past amid worsening American-Iranian relations.
Two linked to ‘extremist Muslim’ New Mexico compound wanted to attack hospital, prosecutors say
A couple accused of training children to carry out mass shootings at an “extremist Muslim” compound in the New Mexico desert singled out an Atlanta hospital as one target before police arrested them, according to court documents filed Friday.
IDF acquiring new rockets to hit all targets with unprecedented precision 
Israel’s Ministry of Defense has signed a deal to develop and acquire advanced precise short and long range rockets worth hundreds of millions of shekels with Israel Military Industries (IMI). According to the Ministry of Defense, the precision firepower will significantly improves the IDF’s capabilities of accurately hitting a target from a distance at immediate availability and with a low mission cost relative to other combat systems.
Iran to U.N: U.S. sanctions violate friendship treaty 
Iranian lawyers are asking the International Court of Justice to order the United States to lift sanctions ordered by the Trump administration against Tehran on Monday. The lawsuit filed with the ICJ, also known as the World Court, says the US sanctions, which are damaging its already weak economy, violate terms of a little-known 1955 friendship treaty between the two countries.
Myanmar military leaders must face genocide charges, says UN
A UN report has said top military figures in Myanmar must be investigated for genocide in Rakhine state and crimes against humanity in other areas. The report, based on hundreds of interviews, is the strongest condemnation from the UN so far of violence against the Rohingya. The army’s tactics are “consistently and grossly disproportionate to actual security threats”, it says.
Health Officials Worried About Containing Latest Ebola Outbreak 
The world has never been so prepared for an Ebola outbreak, but the latest emergence of the virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s conflict-ridden east is proving the most dangerous in years. Seventy-two out of 111 patients who have been infected with the hemorrhagic fever have died, making this outbreak the deadliest in more than a decade in Congo, where the disease was first diagnosed in 1976 and named after the nearby Ebola River.
Defense Ministry to buy advanced precision rockets from IMI
The Defense Ministry announced Monday it has signed a deal worth hundreds of millions shekels with IMI Systems for the development and acquisition of advanced precision rockets. The Defense Ministry will acquire precision rockets of several different types—some classified—which will have a range of 30-150 km. The rockets will employ advanced technologies to adapt them to the modern battlefield.
Israel’s water sources rapidly drying up
The Water Authority announced Sunday that even if the coming winter brings average precipitation, or even above average, the hydrological drought will continue. They said that the Kinneret is drying up at a rapid pace and approaching its black line. They added that an accurate weather forecast for the coming year will be available next month.
Iran and Syria sign deal for military cooperation
Iran and Syria signed a deal for military cooperation in a meeting between the defense ministers of the two countries in Damascus, the Tasnim news agency reported on Monday. Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami traveled to Damascus on Sunday for a two-day visit, meeting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and senior military officials, Tasnim reported.
Turkey’s Erdogan to visit Iran on Sept. 7
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan will visit Iran on Sept 7, his office said on Monday, on a trip expected to include a three-way summit with Russian and Iranian leaders. The Kremlin said nearly two weeks ago that Russian President Vladimir Putin may take part in a meeting with Erdogan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the beginning of September. The three leaders met in April in Ankara, where they discussed developments in Syria.
Jacksonville Shooter Was Member of Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ – Referred to Trump Supporters at “Trumptards” 
Sunday afternoon, police responded to a ‘mass shooting’ at Jacksonville Landing in Florida which left 3 dead and 11 wounded.
‘Mass Shooting’ Reported In Jacksonville, Florida
Police are asking that the public steer clear of the Jacksonville Landing area in Florida after a shooting Sunday reportedly killed three people, including the gunman, and injured several others.
Lacy bras for men are now a thing – and you can also buy matching knickers 
Men can now buy lingerie for themselves…
Can’t Make This Up… Bag of Dismembered Body Parts Found in Clinton Park
Police were called to Clinton Playground on Friday in the Bronx after a bag was found filled with body parts.mPolice later said the victim was a woman.
Holy Nights: New Marriott Rooms to Get Bible, Book of Mormon
Sheraton, Westin and other Starwood hotels are finding their religion. Marriott International, which bought Starwood two years ago, has begun putting copies of the Bible and the Book of Mormon in the recently-acquired hotels. By year’s end, it expects to place the books in 300,000 rooms.
Head of Islamic State in Afghanistan Killed, Government SaysThe head of Islamic State in Afghanistan, Abu Saad Erhabi, was killed in a strike on the group’s hideouts in Nangarhar province on Saturday night, authorities said on Sunday.
Official: Mexico, U.S. Likely ‘Hours’ Away From NAFTA Deal
U.S. and Mexican trade negotiators are “hours” away from squaring away bilateral differences on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) but work with Canada is likely to stretch into September, a top Mexican official said on Sunday.
Russia Sends Largest Naval Armada Of Syrian War Amidst New Chemical Attack Warnings
Russia has built up its forces around the Mediterranean Sea in response to reports that the U.S., France, and Great Britain could be preparing to attack Syria
Lane’s Rains Topple Records, Inundate Parts of Big Island by Bob Henson
Rainfall amounts were titanic, but damage appears to be limited, after Tropical Storm Lane pulled rainband after rainband across Hawaii from a perch well southwest of the islands. Peak rainfall totals on the eastern Big Island topped 40” at three stations, adding up to amounts that are among the highest ever observed in a tropical cyclone in the 50 U.S. states. Fortunately, wind shear disrupted Lane’s core circulation before the hurricane had a chance to plow directly into any of the islands, and Lane stalled out just far enough to the southwest to keep its central showers and thunderstorms (convection) mostly offshore.
Abortion pill can be taken at home in England, under new planWomen in England will be allowed to take an early abortion pill at home, under a government plan due to take effect by the end of the year.
A White Farmer Is Killed By Blakcs Every Five Days In South Africa And Authorities Do Nothing About It
The white nationalist lobbying group AfriForum says that when lawmakers passed a motion last month which could see land being seized from farmers without compensation, it sent a message that landowners could be attacked with impunity.
NEW WORLD ORDER: Parents fight back after school drops Pledge of Allegiance for student-authored oath to ‘global society’
Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School Principal Lara Zelski decided students will no longer recite the Pledge of Allegiance during the school’s morning meeting agenda, which she described to parents as “an effort to begin our day as a fully inclusive and connected community.”
The Anatomy of the Communist Takeover of AmericaCalifornia has already outlawed the sale of the Bible. They are in the process of outlawing homeschooling and they will soon be making it illegal to criticize vaccines and vaccine effectiveness. Now, the Communists in California want to do away with President’s Day in favor of MAY DAY- Here is the story of the communist takeover of America…
Study: More ‘Ecosexual’ Professors Are Having Sex with TreesA recently published academic article examines “exosexuals’ encounters with the natural environment.”

This post first appeared on ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES, please read the originial post: here

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8-27-18 Rapture Ready News


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