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080808 On,now,to The Third Level Blog

1John 2:12-14 sketches the three stages of Christian inner growth and their characteristics.This blog explores what the 3rd level means both individually and corporately.
1 John 2
 ‭1 John‬ ‭2:12‭-‬16‬ ‭AMPC‬[12]  I am writing to you, little children, because for His name's sake your sins are forgiven [pardoned… Read More
Chris Welch's Facebook Reels June 2023
As each week progresses I take random photos and  film of what I'm involved with plus incoming details. Some of my posts are made into Facebook reels with media.If you are on Facebook y… Read More
I read Different Drum by M Scott Peck and Post Evangelical by Dave Tomlinson around 1989 when I was put out of Emsworth Church ( precursor to New Life Church ).These books plus chapter 31 of… Read More
23rd December 2021 Facebook Live TeachingHow single person pyramid leadership just isn't big enough to bring forth people in Christs Crown of 12 star Fulness that we read in Revelation 12 Read More
 Many minds are becoming QUITE emotionally involved in the politics of the United States...You are an advocate for children and so am I Please remember that death is no big deal, an… Read More
Some Of The Adventures Since 1972
Chris Welch tuning for a Theatrical Recording at Chichester Festival TheatreI'm not saying this in the flesh to try to impress you . Just to encourage you that this stuff works. 1972 Jesus M… Read More
The Valley Of Decision
I list these scriptures for your spirit. I include pastor Dana's Dreams.And I include what I wrote in its own right as a message for friends on Facebook today 2_7_2020.Swing the sickle, for… Read More
Mine Canaries
Ive said for many years on my blog thethirdleveldotinfo (my Facebook post from 25.05.2020)there are two sorts of canaries on the planetJewsCreativesCanaries were used in mines because they w… Read More
And I know I'm a prophetBecause unlike Graham Cooke , Rick Joyner and Peter Stott,I AM NOT A PROPHET.I am like Jesus, prophesying something greater then the whole of the charismatic movement… Read More
Pharma And Gadout Versus Cancer Cure
Amazingly a class action is being drawn up against the British Government for the unnecessary deaths of up to 2 million people who have been denied knowledge of the body's own super compoun… Read More
Serious and Desperate Cry for Prayer from Harry Kim of South KoreaDear sir. To sincere brother and sister in Jesus Christ. Good evening. sorry, My English isn't good. I am Harry kim from Sou… Read More
The Quartile
Below is one of Franz Kafka's tales .they are exactly midway between a Jesus parable and the detail of a short story or novel. In linear terms they are midway between a Jesus type  brev… Read More
Catholics Eating Out
The Catholic Church outrageously discourage people from having a personal relationship with Jesus. They say people will be deceived.There are 1.2 billion Catholics, you’d have thought… Read More
How To Live Out Of Your Car By  Suanne
You think it's a bit of a rarified article? Well somebody close to me had this happen to them this year in Canada. He has now returned to the UK.But for different reasons any one of us could… Read More
Well, Can Christians Have Demons?
Are you aware that Pete Cabrera Jr has been challenging folk on Facebook to give a scriptural basis for deliverance of born again Christians, which has provoked much talk on the subject. I s… Read More
Tim Elwell Of Hayling Island UK
Tim Elwell describes why his musical teaching method goes to the heart of all music learning:Both playing by ear and reading music are enormously important skills to acquire for any budding… Read More
Juice Media
This is the history behind Juice Media.Our generation grew up with the Whole Earth Catalogwith Greenpeaceand many other forms of grassroots movements.It is difficult to tell with the Ban The… Read More
Where We Have Come And The Way Ahead
Kansas City Shepherds CrusadeMy Facebook Post 9/1/2019We were new Christians who had come out of denominations after being converted and filled with the Spirit. At that time we had the Ameri… Read More
Group Fiction By Chris Welch
Nearly 30 years ago Charlie Peacock wrote "At The Cross roads" which was a fictional look at the CCM or Christian Contemporary Music scene.Heres another fictional account of three real music… Read More
The Two Types Of Authority
Art Montgomery is an example of a Christian who uses the authority of Jesus Christ to bring salvation, deliverance and healing to those who want it. In as much as everybody is precious, Art… Read More
Nobody Told Me Jack Had Died
Jack FortenberryRidgelandJasper Estes Fortenberry III, known as Jack, passed away on Tuesday, February 2, 2016 of natural causes at his home in Ridgeland. Visitation will be held on Friday… Read More
Attempts To Arrest The  Pope
An arrest was  attempted on Pope Francis in Geneva Switzerland 21stJune  of this year 's summer solstice .The arrest warrant had been issued on May 30 and was to be executed 21st J… Read More
How To Build The Church In The Flesh
spoofIntroducing the new course entitled:How to build the church in the flesh with the help of The Holy SpiritIt's a three year course with a full paper certificate at the end entitling … Read More
Listen to me. Or anybody that sees the truth of this.We are not in something linear.But nevertheless we can put several linear things together in the manner of loom art or as we say in UK ,c… Read More
Giants of the Land are just big enough that the natural man has no chance of beating them, while being just small enough to be keeping the place tidy and functional for takeover by believing… Read More
Cause and effect have a real problem with Word.How formed was the church on the first day of its existence?Fully formedHow formed was Israel the nation, the day they crossed into Canaan?Full… Read More
Rothschild's Bosses
I was quite encouraged by coming across this video within hours of the last post shedding a bit more light on how things work Read More
Letter Recommending Sam Bashir
You know our "recommendations" DO FALL short in cetain ways.Supposing you  are not in the Western recognised mouldof a pastor of a large churchof a Principal of a theological collegeor… Read More
No Fishing
As well as cancer and diabetes, start examining “ no go areas”. These are whole areas where the devil has put up no fishing signs.It’s where the problems are now so cultura… Read More
A Gift Makes Way For Itself
Sylvia Pearce and ?Talking of 10,000 hours to become professional, the next matter is the podium, the arena to shine in.You can play guitar most waking hours, produce 50 CDs, be recognised b… Read More
The Millennium Is About Genesis 3
The whole of the 70s and 80s was Word of Faith.People preaching Deuteronomy 28.Nothing wrong with that, but it’s secondlevel.The Millennium is about Genesis 3Jesus said I came to lay t… Read More
Paul Noble And Breaking Of Bread
Paul and Fran Noble10 April 2018 10:08Paul Noble is breaking bread most days with Fran his wife.Why will that work?Because actually , it ties us into the proverbs 3 scripture , acknowledge H… Read More
Dr Michael Greger Excerpt
8 April 2018 23:50....not everyone is so magnanimous though. Others are angry.Why didn’t their doctors tell them how lifesaving our dietary choices can be? When I present decades old s… Read More
The Last Buzz Of The Bee
This blog has often posted random posts as life throws up things of interest. I have spent the last weeks sorting through 37 years worth of business items and personal garden items and much… Read More
The Rise Of Two Groups
What we see this Easter is almost like the raising of two peoples.Jesus prophesied that brother would rise against brother. Spiritually we now see quite clearly those who accept Romans 3 to… Read More
Drew Canole Makes Things Even Simpler
For many years we have known Drew from Fitlife TV and and various other media outlets where he has been introducing the healthy lifestyle of juicing fresh veggies and fruit.Rightly or wrongl… Read More

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080808 On,Now,To the Third Level
