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Judgement Day
There was a 4th century Saint; - Ephrem who preached about Judgement Day as if it were unfolding before his eyes. He wept as he delivered it, paused to regain composure and continued, such a… Read More
What Will Heaven Be Like ?
Manila (or indeed any city) is not my soul’s natural habitat and so periodically I make my escape, usually to the Cordillera mountain range in the north where I have a selection of hid… Read More
 Why did God create evil? The answer struck me to the core of my soul!A professor at the university asked his students the following question:- Everything that exists was created by God… Read More
Prepare For D-day
 I watched part of the BBC coverage of the 80th anniversary of D-day in Normandy. When the Ukraine’s President Zelensky met with the last few veterans and spoke with them you… Read More
St Anthony, The Eucharist And A Donkey
St. Anthony of Padua lived during the 13th century and possessed a great zeal for the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. One day Saint Anthony heard of a man in Rimini named named… Read More
St Rita Of Cascia
 Rita: Daughter, Wife, Mother, & WidowHigh in the hills of the republic of Cascia, in a tiny Umbrian village called Roccaporena, Antonio and Amata Lotti were well-respected peacemak… Read More
The Permanent Presence Of God
I have been attending an online Catholic Bible study lately and am finding it fascinating just how many parallels there are between the old and new testaments and the Church today. One thing… Read More
St Isidore The Farmer
Saint Isidore the Farmer’s real name was Isidro de Merlo y Quintana. He was born in the year 1070 AD in Madrid. His parents were poor but very devout. Isidore was a hired labourer of J… Read More
St Michael's Apparition
That the blessed Archangel Michael, whose name means Who is like unto God?, is the prince of the faithful Angels who opposed Lucifer and his followers in their revolt against God. Since… Read More
The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday
I saw a comic book sketch of a boy kneeling by his bedside saying his evening prayers as his dad walked by the open door of the bedroom. The boy looked up and said ‘Hi Dad; just saying… Read More
What Is God Like ?
Years ago, I heard a story which intrigued me. A family just had a new baby and her older brother, still very young himself, was always trying to be with the baby. The reason was revealed th… Read More
Miraculous Medal Story
The Blessed Virgin herself designed the Medal of the Immaculate Conception—popularly known as the Miraculous Medal! No wonder, then, that it wins such extraordinary graces for those wh… Read More
In one of his novels, the Russian writer Turgenev has a character who, somewhat exasperated by the company of some well-heeled and well-oiled babbling companions; stood up and said “Th… Read More
Heaven And Earth Are Full Of Your Glory
A couple of weeks ago I was on an island in the western Visayas region of the Philippines. There is a Balete tree there which has stood (and is still growing) for 1300 years according to Bot… Read More
There Is A Way Things Work
 A monk had a brother living in the world who was poor, and so he supplied him with all he received from his work. But the more the monk supplied, the poorer the brother became. So the… Read More
A Saint Is A Recycled Sinner
With our charity appeal we do recycling of aluminium drinks cans to raise money. So sometimes to be useful, I used to go out with a bag and collect the cans that were thrown in the street so… Read More
Reaching The Young
On a visit to England I attended a Mass where the children from the church schools also attended, perhaps 100+. Apparently they were seldom seen as only a handful of their parents came to M… Read More
Claude Newman And The Miraculous Medal
Claude Newman was a twenty-year-old African-American who, in 1943, awaited execution in a prison in Mississippi. His crime was that of ambushing and shooting a man named Sid Cook, his belove… Read More
Padre Pio Diverts A Bombing Mission
"Pictured, Father Pio and North American Protestant pilots who converted to Catholicism after seeing the Saint fly alongside his planes."·“When the planes were near the target… Read More
Ready For Change ?
I knelt in the bathroom this morning; not in prayer exactly, I was scrubbing the floor and had cause to reflect on the condition of my kingdom (small ‘k’).  I have seen man… Read More
Forgive Our Enemies
I wondered what those who knew me in my youth would find more unlikely, that I would ever write about forgiving enemies or that Hannibal Lector would pen a vegetarian cookbook... definitel… Read More
After Mass last week I got to thinking about what produces gratitude and its different levels that we feel and experience.  The more casual occasions are frequent and easy to identify… Read More
St. John Bosco's Vision Of Hell
Don Bosco, as he was known, dedicated his priestly life to the welfare of wayward boys. A visionary and mystic, he was given a series of “dreams,” rather mystical visions, for th… Read More
Have You Seen Lazarus ?
Just before Christmas, on the way home from paying the electricity bill, I came across a homeless lady lying in the street in the rain. A security guard was on his radio to report it and arr… Read More
Identity Crisis
As I gasped at an online article (that I subsequently verified as true); I wondered what would happen if I showed up at the doctors and told him that I now identified as a cat…would h… Read More
Stephanus Antonious
A couple of years ago my dad surprised me with a story I had not heard. It was about my Baptism. Apparently I was Baptised in Latin, so strictly speaking my name is not Stephen Anthony but S… Read More

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