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Rahu in 10th House and Ketu in 4th House

Tags: family house rahu

The Rahu in the Tenth House gives full and complete success generally. There will always be progress towards better things, as the native is truly gifted from the time of birth, and these gifts will develop, since Rahu passes (owing to its movement) into the Ninth House. It is a lucky position, and the native may undertake anything; he will succeed, and attain to a high position with honours, fame and riches.

The Ketu in the Fourth House is not good for domestic life, which is founded upon exaggerated selfishness; the couple think about themselves in preference to their Family, thus the inharmonious home is likely to be have lot of troubles, thus indicating separation and disagreements. It also means pecuniary losses, an inheritance wasted in order to gratify sometimes very unworthy desires.

This individual has had his inner powers developed. He has withdrawn and lived in a quiet, reserved manner. Now he must come out into the public and the limelight and give himself in some public way to the world. In a career he will find his fulfillment. If he tries to cling to home, it will in some manner fall apart. Unconscious desire to retreat has to be overcome. Has to learn to be with people rather than retreat from them.
A vocation could be followed, sometimes to the point of sacrificing home and domestic life. This means working for or with the public in some way. Through very sustained effort and great exertion, success in public life will be attained, but requires personal sacrifice. The area of sacrifice can be ascertained by the aspects to this nodal position. When this Node is balanced finally with the Ketu in the fourth, then the fulfillment of the great-person status will be obtained, and not before. This position, when followed, will give the urge to be a protector of great masses of people, to be a leader among them. Naturally, the influence of all of these nodal positions in the houses is dependent upon the signs involved and the aspects and positions of other planets and asterisms. One should read simply Rahu in the tenth, but always must interpret the signs and aspects. If the aspects are trines and sextiles, the arrival at the Rahu will come more easily; but if aspects are squares and oppositions, the arrival at the Rahu may take more time and trouble.

Ketu in the fourth is the introvert. This position of the Ketu gives a seeking after perfection, especially in domestic matters, and gives a great depth of soul. It can cause many changes of residence for the individual. There could be some great dissatisfaction in this area. The person wants to live a quiet, retired life in seclusion and peace. There exists a shyness about him; and he would like to retreat from the public. He probably will adopt a parental role by trying to hold people too closely. He is usually very talented at repairing things around the home. (All these criteria are equally applicable to females as well, for writing comfort masculine gender is used).

This condition often signifies stronger success in the professions or career area. However, some drawbacks are noticed in the home affairs. Here, the individual converts all the domestic energies into professional direction. Thus, satisfactions and fulfillments through the home are fairly low for him. Their individuality and strong ego are worth noticing. Often difficulties during childhood bring about a distorted mother / father complex to this person. Possibility is these people are a lot closer to their father than to the mother, however there could be exceptions. However, some of the hostilities or lack of mother element are due to recent past life complications with her. Sensitivity and emotionalism is something they have to overcome, and they have to show an image of tough practicality in this life. Their first half of life may not very enjoyable compared to the second half of life.

Here the individual finds that much of his time is needed for the demands of his family. Constantly he feels held down, as if he is being prevented from realizing his own individuality. The fact is that he comes into the current life with much karma owed to his family.

In past incarnations he ignored the hands that fed him. Now he is locked into the lesson of becoming those feeding hands himself. In the current life he finds his mate and children just as highly unappreciative of all he tries to do for them. Still he will do more if he is ever to grow past his karma. At times, the burdens become so heavy that he has to fight himself to keep from feeling an inner resentment.

The females with these Nodes could have problems with at least one child, which will demand most of her time, effort, energy and concern for she is to learn on the very deepest of levels the responsibilities of parenthood. To enforce the karma still deeper, the spouse is either not present or so lacking in character that this individual must ultimately become mother and father at the same time.

Whether positive or negative, the emotions never leave the family. This individual constantly feels the need to break out and be free; yet his past-life memories of self-enforced chains never quite permit him to do this.
Nearly all of his energy is spent on untangling the web of relations that he sees around him. In some instances, he could experience great conflict with other family members over real estate.
He must learn not to let circumstances weigh him down with feelings of hopelessness, for the needs of his family are constantly compounding themselves, to the point that from time to time they become considerably more than he bargained for.

Often, he is caught by surprise through the actions of those closest to him, for although he can develop strong outer worldliness, he still remains almost childishly naive when it comes to the emotions he feels about those close to him.

Some with these Nodes have to go out to work, becoming the sole source of family support. Others are put into the position of becoming the family supervisor.

Always this individual is caught between the conflict of the things he would like to do for himself and the things he knows he must do for his loved ones.

Constantly faced with situations which tempt him to react childishly, he must learn how to mature. He must rise above family harmony and do all he can to achieve a role of self-dignity.

When the needs of his loved ones are understood, only then can he have the freedom to experience a career life of his own. As he makes the switch to his tenth house Rahu, he is ultimately forced into the position of assuming the dominant role. He must learn how to keep his life focused in a direction above and beyond all the scattering needs of his close family members.

His greatest happiness comes from being in a position to be able to offer shelter to others.
In later years he joyously re-invites others to lean on him. His mission to move away from emotional immaturity and in the direction of responsibility tells him that each person he moves along the path represents another payment for his own ticket towards soul evolution. The sign which contains the Ketu shows the ways in which he allows immaturity on the part of others as well as himself to block his potentialities for achievement. The sign which contains the Rahu indicates the ways in which he can develop maturity by pointing his life in a meaningful direction.

Family demands are used as an excuse for not developing one’s fullest potentials. Neglect of career. Parenting or domesticity takes up most of your time. Others take you for granted. Untangle yourself from domestic and parental traps. Involve yourself in your community instead of staying home all the time. Develop a more positive outlook. Make contact with people outside your family milieu. Go out to work, even if it’s only part-time or volunteer work.

In the tenth house, the hang-up is connected with respect or integrity, which may mask a basic dislike of people and / or social functions. This person subconsciously fears authority figures, and is uncomfortable in society unless he or she can come out decked in all the trappings of success - and even then there may be doubts as to the worth of that success. Reclusiveness or deep introversion may manifest as a means of coping with these fears.

Often there’s been an early struggle with authority figures or society in general. Difficulties with one or both parents are common. Usually the early upbringing involves a heavy dose of moralistic philosophy. Less frequently, one or both parents was maladjusted, and the offspiring has to live down their misdeeds or grows up feeling a need to make amends for his or her parents’ failure to contribute to society.

Rahu in the tenth house generally dreams of success in life. This involves overcoming limitations and rising above his or her station in life through gaining the support of authority figures or others who are in a position to help. This person tends to get trapped in a comfortable, mildly pleasant rut due to emotional ties. A parent or other family member may be instrumental in keeping the dream from being fulfilled. This usually isn’t because of outright opposition, mostly this could be generally, it’s because of subconscious fear or guilt on the part of Rahu in the tenth. 

Childhood roots, personality functions, and family life will be very influential in shaping your life. As an adult, considerable time, attention, and energies may be expected from you to meet family demands and obligations.

You may feel family duties are restrictive, inhibiting freedom and options; or you may find that meeting the economic needs of family life becomes a heavy burden. Feelings of resentment may accumulate if you believe your efforts are unappreciated. Your role of service to the family is likely to be crucial, perhaps by being the only money-earner and home-keeper, having to perform all functions of the household.

Your identity is connected to family roots and childhood foundations, and may come from dominant parental attitudes whose influences have conditioned your adult values and still persist in guiding your life and directions. Such attitudes may include powerful cultural or religious beliefs firmly embedded in your personality. Even if you want to, you will find difficulty in moving away from these deep-seated attitudes.
Either in your childhood or in later adult life, there is a possibility that your family unit may not be complete in the traditional sense. Perhaps you had to assume responsibilities at an earlier age, or, in your adult family, a partner may be unable to fulfill his or her parental role, and may leave you with additional responsibility. Facing parenthood demands will also be a challenge, as you may have to perform both adult roles for the family. Yet, emotionally, you are deeply tied to family links, even though you also react against their sometimes oppressive nature. Family tends to stabilize your life, defining both lifestyle and daily experience, absorbing most of your energy. But you cannot imagine life without a family presence, with all its accompanying demands, except as a lonely void.

An area of conflict is between selfish and selfless desires, between your needs and those of family members. Generally, you shrug your shoulders, take a deep breath, and carry on with self-discipline. The lesson to learn through testing times is how to serve others; and this may require self-sacrifice to complete. You try to help others to grow and develop properly; but there is an additional dimension toward which experience leads you, which concerns becoming a beneficial influence in the greater community or society. Through performing your challenging family duties, you have also learned to be more competent, dominant, decisive, and self-assured.

Family trials have been the ground from which inner development has grown. If successful, you can emerge as a pillar of strength from which others can draw support. Consciously accepting this self-sacrificial role will deepen your capabilities; and your emotional maturity and responsible attitudes will also be increased. The prospect is for your influence to expand beyond family parameters into the community, perhaps through direct inspiration, or even by the achievements of your children. It may not seem a glamorous path; it may appear quite mundane and arduous. Yet, in learning to transcend personal desires in favor of benefiting others, this becomes a key to transform your foundational attitudes to embrace the well-being of others, especially as your life develops to reveal a meaningful direction in later years.

With the Rahu in the 10th house, the important thing is to develop our own individuality and, out of the possibilities that lie before us, choose those that promote self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is different from outward self-awareness. The latter would hinder rather than help our development as an individual. In rising to the challenge of the Rahu in the 10th house, we must run our own life and cast off the leading-strings of others.

In the 10th house, illusions of grandeur nearly always occur. These cover the whole range,  authority, eminence, success and power. Prestige is a concept based on possessions, not on authority. Therefore, in the 10th house, either one has natural authority or one puts on a show of it - i.e., one usurps authority. The latter is mere role-playing, and ties in with the fact that Saturn, the master of forms, rules the 10th house. But such role-playing cannot replace authority.

The 10th house is also the house of vocation; and we need to set our sights on a vocation rather than on fame. In a vocation, we undertake for the group some assignment that confronts us. The mature person feels called upon to do something for the group; he or she becomes involved in it, and achieves goals that serve the community.

With the Node in the 10th house, it is necessary to forego traditional and family goals. A family attitude toward status and profession has been impressed on us; but we must break free from it in order to find our own guiding image and, so to speak, pack our bags and set out toward a destination of our own.
It is especially hard for some people to realize the promise of the Rahu in the 10th house, in order to make good themselves, they often enter into partnership with some others who are rising in the world. However, this is a temporary role, a part they often play brilliantly without making real progress. If the partnership runs into trouble, the individual may be left to shift for themselves, often they will have to abandon an easy life in order to achieve individuation. In this way, she learns to stand on her own two feet and to gain authority.
The Rahu in the 10th house demands self-determination, independent decision-making, and development of a resolute will. Self-discipline is also required, because there is a natural 4th-house inclination to merge with the group. With the Rahu in the 10th house, it is important to pursue one’s own individuation consistently without paying any attention to criticism.

The price of developing an independent personality is a certain degree of isolation and loneliness. Paying it prevents people from scrambling to success on the backs of others. If the Rahu is in the tenth house, the person’s greatest growth, evolution, and fulfillment comes through concentrated career activity. In previous lives, the person may have led existences that were extremely personal and emotionally acute, now he must come out to the public and direct his energies toward society. The person is born with deep, organic ties to his mother. He is extraordinarily sensitive to his early family life and all the surrounding conditions and circumstances. However, he soon learns that his niche in the world derives from activities that capture the attention and notice of humankind at large. He becomes increasingly intimate with his father and other authoritarians with each passing year. More than any other astrological placement, the person with this this nodal placement may feel a sense of purpose and destiny. 

He is very ambitious and likely to succeed in his professional life. He may find his calling early on and move toward the work like an arrow to its target. There is leadership ability and the possibility of fame. Although the placement signifies new realms for the individual to master, the person is exceptionally courageous about pursuing his ultimate dreams and visions. Homes, land, and property are not much favored unless the person has decided that real estate is the domain in which to make his mark. Though he never forgets his connection to family, ancestors, and the past, the person actively forges a new path toward a much broader base of influence. The person should beware of workaholic tendencies, or his personal life will suffer. He is likely to marry a partner who is particularly devoted to home and domesticity, a spouse who will not disturb his involvement in his mission. He must direct his attentions to large-scale organizing rather than close friends and loved ones.

The person should concern himself with fame, prestige, and status. He should seek to become an authority figure in his field. His sense of security comes from his work and reputation, not possessions or home life. He moves away from a highly subjective, feeling-oriented existence to one of hard work and fulfillment of ideals. He sets high goals and allows nothing to stand in his way. The person is of extremely developed spirit and as Rahu in Tenth denotes the Zenith of the Chart. The task of this life is to make the greatest use of his consciousness. He should not engage in contemplation, meditation, introspection, and seclusion for more than brief, intermittent periods of time. His duties are social, and his greatest happiness comes from being with people on a regular basis. His work must produce results that withstand the test of time. He should never lose himself in theories and abstractions.

In dealing with the masses, the person must be careful not to get trapped into giving too much time and energy to specific individuals. He must always remember his larger purpose. Professions involving one-on-one contact are not desirable; they will not be fulfilling for any length of time.
In Hindu astrology, the Rahu in the tenth house indicates a potent and thriving career. The person is especially capable of affecting and influencing masses. Career success grows stronger after the age of forty-one when the Rahu is considered to ‘mature’. The Ketu in the fourth house means difficulties with homes, cars, and mother. It also indicates an innately spiritual nature and either spiritual bent of mind or religious pilgrimages and/or touch throughout the lifetime.

This post first appeared on Sacred Astrology, please read the originial post: here

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Rahu in 10th House and Ketu in 4th House


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