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Coming Soon - Deceitful Acts - a Novella by Vivienne Diane Neal

Coming Soon - Deceitful Acts - A Novella By Vivienne Diane Neal

Synopsis: Samuel Pond and Jason Brown met in college, became best friends, and wanted to make a mark on the world by becoming successful entrepreneurs, but their pathway to success was marred by betrayal, lust, revenge, extortion, and scandal. This narrative contains some mild sexual content and is intended for mature adults over 18 years of age.

Deceitful Acts in e-print can be pre-ordered now by clicking here.

If you can’t wait for the e-book, you can order the paperback now by clicking here.

This post first appeared on One World Singles Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Coming Soon - Deceitful Acts - a Novella by Vivienne Diane Neal
