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A Psychologically Disordered Society

A Brief History of The Cause of Narcissistic Personality Disorder Amongst The Ruling Class 

What I have to share with you today relates to a sideline interest of mine: which is studying the bible from a historical and cosmological (scientific) context.

However please be assured  that the journey I want to take you on is relevant to Narcissistic Personality Disorder, because seeking the historical origins of mankind’s psychological (and also moral) divide is what really drives my interest in this subject.

It doesn’t seem normal or natural to me that we should suffer emotionally the way many of us do. Although a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may act indifferent and self satisfied, I know that they (and not just the people around them) suffer terribly. The interior loneliness, jealousy and shame of the narcissist’s world is personally not a headspace I would willingly walk into. 
I certainly don’t have the whole story yet - and my historical search continues - but recently I feel I am getting a little closer, and that it’s time some of the ideas (I have strung together over the years) start seeing the light of day. 

So to get started on this journey please check out the article by Wal Thorhill (our present day Einstein?) linked to the image here ...

God’s Thunderbolts

                                       (If you don't have time to read the article this links to, what it is basically saying is that the only thing that could have formed the Grand Canyon is an electrical arc or, in other words, a gigantic lightning bolt.) 

The Electric Universe

There is a new theory in Cosmology you may not have heard of which is getting a lot of attention and you may enjoy taking a look at. This new science gets rid of the big bang - black holes and dark matter because it has no need to find mysterious invisible stuff with mass to fix it's math. This theory has been around for years but has only recently been considered seriously by mainstream science. It is getting this attention because it is predicting the images and data coming back from space telescopes much better than our standard theory does.

It is called the Electric Universe Theory, and besides presenting a whole new model of what powers our sun and how our universe and solar system is held together, it also suggests the history of our solar system to be incredibly different than what is now being taught in school.

Very briefly, some proponents of this theory suggest that in our not so distant past (4 to 13 thousand years ago) earth had a number of very close calls with other planets when our solar system was sent into disarray after it was 'captured' by our current solar system. They suggest our original solar system was a polar configuration whose sun was Saturn -  a brown dwarf star which 'went out' when it entered the electrical field of our current sun

The Fall

The point in history when this cataclysmic event occurred is referred to right through our cultural historical tapestry as creation,  the Fall of Man or even Humpty Dumpty falling off his wall. And likewise the subsequent upheaval in our solar system, as the planets jostled to establish a new equilibrium circling our ‘new’ sun caused The Great Flood as well as the plagues and destruction of the Exodus (including the parting of the Red Sea), ‘Joshua’s long day’ and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to name but a few ancient historical accounts that start making .
literal sense in this contex.

The archeological evidence of a massive global catastrophe, mass extinctions and a great flood in comparatively recent history is, by the way, overwhelming.  

This new version of the solar system’s history also makes the first creation account in the bible make a lot more sense. Previously unexplainable anomalies such as day and night occurring before the creation of the sun, in this model become more easily decipherable, because in this new theory night and day - reflecting our current sun in the polar configuration in our ancestral skies - were in existence before we could actually see our present sun, a bit like you can see the crescent of the moon at night even when the sun is out of sight. This would explain why in Genesis it is said that days before the sun appeared there was evening and there was morning of the first day (the opposite of how we would say it now) as this polar configuration was in fact a kind of clock for humanity reflecting the light of the sun and hence lighting up heading into evening - growing brightest at midnight (when the skies were dark) and then fading again in the late morning.

 The Polar Configuration Acted as a Clock in the Sky 

I know some people may find that these explanations severely challenge their current faith or scientific belief system  - but what I am interested in is if this new theory could in fact render the bible a true and accurate account of the times in which it was written. With all those tallies kept of livestock in the Bible I have always thought that it sounded much more like history than myth. 

Before I had even heard of the Electric Universe theory I could already see that a very different world view must have existed in biblical times for so many people to write accounts that in many instances we largely cannot decipher or comprehend now. I should also perhaps mention that it was the work of Dave Talbott in Symbols of an Alien Sky that first opened up this new way of looking at history along with the work of Anthony Larson.

Anyway, when you check out the picture of the Grand Canyon above, you might begin to see why people in the old testament believed God was an angry God! Just try and imagine the terror that people who survived watching that being carved out by a giant lightning bolt must have experienced!

If you don't have time to read the article associated with that photo - basically it says is that this huge electric arc (lightning) occurred at the time of one of these 'close calls' our earth had with other planets. If you do go ahead and read it you will see that besides a giant lightening strike (unimaginable to us now) there is really no other explanation that comes close to explaining the geological features of what is there at the Grand Canyon (and more importantly what is not there!).

Herodotus in Greek literature made it very clear that lightning was 
very different in his times in this passage;

Seest thou how God with his lightning smites always the bigger animals, 
and will not suffer them to wax insolent, while those of a lesser bulk chafe 
him not? How likewise his bolts fall ever on the highest houses and the 
tallest trees? So plainly does He love to bring down everything that exalts 
itself. Thus ofttimes a mighty host is discomfited by a few men, when God 
in his jealousy sends fear or storm from heaven, and they perish in a way 
unworthy of them. For God allows no one to have high thoughts but Himself.

These terrible cosmic storms Herodotus mentions as common knowledge in his times not only 'discomfited' mighty hosts - but (it would seem) also wrought unimaginable destruction (is the debris removed from the Grand Canyon what is now scattered all over what was once the lush gardens of the Arabian peninsula?) and obviously created quite a number of problems for mankind. 

The first of these problems was that agricultural lands were destroyed (sometimes repeatedly) and mankind who had previously been agricultural, now felt the need to become a livestock breeding and meat eating nomadic society to survive. In the bible we see this theme repeated many times in Genesis, with a younger meat eating shepherding son stealing the birthright from an older son working the land. In the story of Cain and Able this is expressed directly as Cain and the land being “cursed” and not bringing forth crops like it once did. 

As our planet was wrenched from its polar alignment with Saturn and began orbiting our present sun, agricultural conditions must have deteriorated markedly and people might have indeed believed that the agricultural landscape and lifestyle had been cursed by God. 

There was more to this problem that I will share in a moment - but first let me mention a few other problems ...

The terror that people felt and the extreme powerlessness to deal with this type of calamity must have been unimaginable. 

Extreme powerlessness is one of the most untenable human states of mind and the psychological reaction would likely have been mankind feeling a desperate need to appease the terrible god or gods who had wrought this destruction and by doing so, perhaps gain a little power to prevent further destruction.

Worse still in this scenario; the plasma formations in the sky that would have accompanied this destruction - when the worst of these cosmological storms occurred - looked to humanity like giants and monsters and these demons and gods would surely not have been seen to be mollified by sacrifices of lentils or produce. The way these lightning bolts struck down men and animals alike made people easily believe that these horizon spanning and terrifying apparitions who threw lightning bolts down to earth killing and destroying all in their path, wanted nothing short of human lives and blood.

Labour was also needed to rebuild, but people now lived as nomads or if isolated from leadership, as stone age hunter/scavengers. Because in this telling of history, this was the beginning of the stone age after mankind's earlier agricultural golden, or Saturnian, age had been completely destroyed. 

This rebuilding took on mammoth proportions and the many pyramids and huge stone structures that were built were aimed at withstanding future devastation, while also being set up as monuments for the appeasement of the gods - through sacrificial ritual - while at the same time being there to protect the surviving ruling class from similar future calamities. 

In gathering together survivors for this labour, great leadership was needed, with a totally new education (for survival) with new rules. Much of this re education was based on the shift to meat eating and livestock raising and away from farming - as can be seen by the predominance of symbols for these activities in mankind’s earliest popular alphabets which are known as the runes.

Mankind was basically left homeless in a world that had been largely destroyed and so memories of our former world created an outpouring of art, literature and architecture. But still the world and symbols in the sky represented in this outpouring was - in only a few generations - lost and forgotten and the themes represented became known as styles, or considered myths, rather than representing actual memories of a world, or of events that were now completely foreign to what could be seen in the sky or remembered by anyone living.  

Previously to being captured by our solar system there was no mountains, no rain and also no day and night. Saturn our then sun (still called the original and best sun in some historical documents) was stationary at our north pole and lit our planet with a warm glow that caused lush growth and no seasons or any other ways to mark time except for the rotation of stars and perhaps their precession. 

As so much was lost in these few ensuing generations - the runes served as an educational tool for a world which had basically become illiterate - with one letter becoming the symbol for a whole story or school of thought without it even needing to be written down or made into a word. 

Strung together into written words however these symbols were seen as all powerful and able to produce healing and magic, as well as bestowing great power and authority on the person who could use them to write with. 

In the beginning was the word and the word was with God. 

In the face of these challenges it is hardly surprising that leaders were chosen and a tremendous amount of power and authority bestowed upon them. 

More surprising but still understandable - is that in the aftermath of the most terrible destruction imaginable - child and human sacrifice was instituted as both a way of putting to death children that could no longer be fed and also appeasing the ‘gods’. These ‘gods’ had even been seen in the heavens. Watching cosmic plasma displays when the planets had near collisions with earth must have been somewhat like watching full color terrifying 3D cloud patterns 

Cosmic Plasma Display

people unfortunately thought they saw pictures in these displays - of the gods eating their own children.

and so humanity came to believe that child sacrifice was what these terrifying cosmic specters wanted. Nearly all of the religions of these early post apocalyptic times were guilty of these practices and child sacrifice continued unabated until conditions improved (and the terror slowly abated) and other rulers came up with the more practical solution of sacrificing and then roasting animals at times when people needed feeding.

(There is an interesting theory that circumcision was also instituted at this time as a form of appeasement and humbling oneself before God by people who were completely terrified.)

Mankind suddenly becoming carnivorous created something of a problem: we had not been meat eaters or natural killers before this and so a decision that we needed to sacrifice our children and slaughter and eat animals would have gone against all of our earliest basic moral codes. 

The danger of these practices damaging the moral fabric of society must have been something our ancient leaders indeed worried about - as can be evidenced by what then resulted. 

A ruling class of priests was set up to administer the killing (sacrifices) but while they (or sometimes the kings) could kill and while they could order other people to kill, still it was strictly forbidden for ordinary folk to kill. 

With only a little consideration you might see how this same divide in humanity's basic moral code (in regard to killing) still exists between governments and army officials and the general population today.
The responsibility for killing was in reality a harrowing, gruesome and unpleasant task and so the fact that these men were being asked to perform duties outside both conscience and law was dressed up as an 'honor' to make this responsibility more attractive. The kings too, obviously wanted this new class of ‘killers’ kept close to them at all times and not feeling disenfranchised or disenchanted! 

So rather than allowing them to be seen as deviants acting outside the normal and healthy laws of society, these men had this gruesome responsibility foisted on them as something they were entitled to do because they were somehow superior and “above” the law.

So a backstage kind of Santa's workshop (feeding and educating the beholdent masses) known as the mystery schools with a seemingly inseparable alliance between kings and priests, and later kings and their warlords had begun.
Of course these leaders often passed off the worst of the dirty work in slaughtering humans and/or animals to slaves or lowly citizens (as today we still see abattoir workers being on a low social rung in society) but this was still strictly under the orders and supervision of this new ruling class. 

Right up to present times the slaughter of animals for meat in some major religions (as with Kosher and Halal abattoirs) is still conducted under the decree of a Rabbi, Priest or Cleric. 

The segregation of those allowed to kill and order killing into a class of their own, who the administrative rulers hoped they might control through privilege and flattery, was an understandable solution to what must have been a truly horrendous problem, but as it unfolded was far from a perfect solution. 

The moral code of (what now had become) the middle classes had - by this move - been protected, but how can you maintain stability and sanity in a society where the ruling classes - who hold more power, wealth and authority than the rest of the community - are free to act outside of the standard moral code?

And it wasn't long until the differences in the moral code of the elite to the masses came to include much more than killing for sacrifice, war or food.  

Consider the prevalence of mistresses (or in biblical terms, concubines) amongst the wealthier classes. This practice has now come to be so prevalent amongst the wealthy that unless major attention is brought to a particular case of it, it is even considered normal behavior - while remaining strictly forbidden and socially unacceptable to the middle and lower classes.

This rent in societies moral fabric resisted all attempts at mending and spread completely out of control. Our new ruling class of killers was by the middle ages completely above the law.

In our times with advertising being an inescapable feature in most people's lives, the middle and lower classes are daily bombarded with images of the affluent life style of the rich, dangled in front of us like diamond carrots. Just as it was in earlier times with street processions, extravagant church and court rituals and society gala marriages and functions, the ruling elite parade their superiority and presumed superior entitlement before the masses.   

And while we find ourselves daily encouraged to seek wealth and power, we may also find ourselves (as part of the whole package) aspiring to high society's degraded moral code of behavior. 

Because if the elite are superior to us - what else can it mean but that their immoral behavior is superior as well? 

While we are given more and more rules we must obey, the bad guys in real life, movies and on TV are romanticized and glorified, because let's face it, it is only us poor dumb lower and middle class people who believe we have to follow the rules.

Think about who society and history considers the greater man; the one who is a farmer or tradesman, faithful to his wife and dedicated to honesty and being a good father -- or the war lord or corporate psychopath with numerous mistresses who, unless smiling for a camera, behaves like a scoundrel and tyrant?
So in this version of history I am suggesting this moral divide may have been created in the beginning by ritualistic state sanctified slaughter and that this may still be causing enormous problems for our current society at all levels, but most especially the ruling classes. 

Because I will suggest that this divide puts the ruling and monied classes in a very precarious situation in regard to their mental health and quality of life. 

Because feeling you are superior to the majority of the human race (which you are really a part of) creates a psychological schism that will quickly lead a person to feeling themselves grossly dissatisfied with with their life, martyred, alienated, misunderstood and lonely, while also never certain whether the people around them envy or adore them (I have written much more on the suffering caused by this kind of destructive ‘education’ in my ebook Emotional Stupidity). 

I would not trade places with the ruling elite for anything in the world. 

But despite the internal misery and dysfunction, usually forced upon these unfortunate individuals from birth, the power of these classes to dictate fashion and trends cannot be underestimated. 

As history progressed from post apocalyptic times into an era where our newly formed solar system slowly became stable - the priests, warlords and aristocrats continued prophesying immanent destruction (after all, these cataclysms are what had brought their positions of privilege into being) and if not threatening and terrifying the masses from their pulpits or thrones - their children and close relations wallowed in the ‘immaculate misery‘ of their inherited codependence.

They not only suffered - but made their suffering fashionable, spreading the loneliness, isolation and emotional dysfunction they were experiencing to the rest of society through art, music and literature. One of the first best sellers of the highly dysfunctional ‘romantic’ era was a short novel written by Goethe titled The sorrows of young Werther, which could be very accurately described as a classic case study in terminal codependence. As Goethe matured he became embarrassed about this book - but as it had sold more copies than any of his other works, found it difficult to disown. 

And so this moral disease continued on until present times where we see military and political leaders believing there is nothing amiss in their right to keep secrets ("It’s national security"), lie, steal and make war with other individuals and nations, and if cornered will sometimes even admit that they believe this all necessary because of the stupidity of (or their superiority over) the public. 

If only these leaders could see that in their belief in their own superiority also lies the seeds of their own misery and despair. 

Our society needs practical warnings against moral disease

The Decalogue (10 Commandments) were not given as rules that needed to be obeyed under threat of punishment. They were rules of moral conduct given as one of the greatest gifts to humanity to help protect our moral, spiritual and physical happiness and well being, through incredibly savage times of hardship, trauma and despair.

Sacrifice (not obedience) in these times was what was seen necessary to avert destruction and punishment. Obedience to the Decalogue was considered an act of love and not fear. 

Christ‘s story helped move our world beyond the need for public ritual sacrifice and it must have truly been incredibly good news when the people heard the story that God had sent his own son to be sacrificed so that the sacrifice could end.

We can hardly imagine living in an era of daily public sacrifice of animals and human children. 

Or can we? Because the sacrifice still continues every day right around the world, in abattoirs and on military battlefields. We pretend we live in more enlightened times - but right now there are in fact more people in slavery than any other time in human history.  

So what can we do to heal this schism in the personality of our very society? I believe the Decalogue is a great place to start and needs to be studied for all the depth and truth it can offer us. 

Because a person's true worth or enjoyment in life can never be improved by considering themselves above the moral laws of their society. 

I do not believe this to be about good and evil - but instead about what makes us feel happy, well balanced and satisfied as people, with a life full of meaning and worthy challenges that help us reach our individual potential. 

Just like the Electric Universe Theory has caused dark matter, dark energy and black holes to disappear (because we can now see that they never really existed) I believe this new perspective - if deeply considered and applied to a person's life - could allow those caught in this terrible deception of superiority to take a step out of their own gilded cage of suffering and rejoin the very secure and nurturing place that is our historical (and I believe natural psychological) moral framework.

For secret knowledge, wealth, power, the right to rape, kill, steal, lie or have mistresses does nothing to make a person superior to anyone else -- and the belief that it does is even more damaging to the person who holds it than it is to the people around them.

And for us, the codependent masses? Perhaps we need to stop seeking salvation in a powerful man or woman to protect us from an uncertain future, and instead see our true salvation lying in the humble knowledge of our at-one-ment with all of humanity. Christ was the sacrifice to end all sacrifice, but I believe his main gift was in the example he gave us to follow by eschewing all offers of kingship in exchange for his active belonging to the human family of God and his empathy with humanity as a whole.  

He befriended social outcasts and made companions of anyone the ruling classes despised. How many of our wealthy and ruling class ministers and priests have done that since?

This is not about pointing the finger -- but maybe there is the need for a little shame about what we aspire to and why - and an urgent need for humanities ruling class to step down from their ivory towers of misery and try something that might make them a lot happier. 

With Love 

Kim Cooper
PS. If I get enough comments and interest in this article I might follow it up by telling you why I don’t believe in reptilians (and what I believe the evidence of them really points to) and what this has to do with NPD and the serpent in the story of Genesis. 

Part 2 

This post first appeared on The Narcissism Daily Mirror, please read the originial post: here

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A Psychologically Disordered Society


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