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Enlaces interesantes 540

Enlaces Interesantes 540

Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)

Por si te lo perdiste...

  • El veloz murciélago hindú…
    José María Aguilar
  • Implicit usings en C#10
    José María Aguilar

.NET Core / .NET

  • Announcing .NET 8 RC2
    Jon Douglas
  • OpenSilver 2.0 released
  • Full precision floating-point summation in C#
    Anthony Lloyd
  • Get the default value of a type at runtime
    Gérald Barré
  • Replace Line Breaks in a String in C#
    Code Maze
  • Getting Started With NServiceBus in .NET
    Milan Jovanović
  • Padding for Overlaid Structs
    Stephen Cleary
  • How To Use Embedded Resources in .NET
    Khalid Abuhakmeh
  • Revisiting Various Change Feeds Consumption in .NET
    Tomasz Pęczek
  • xUnit And Moq – How To Master Unit Testing In C#
    Nick Cosentino
  • Lessons learned from building a static code analyzer for C#
    Daniel Genezini
  • Primary constructors changes initialisation behaviour in C# 12
    David Grace
  • Structured Concurrency in C#
    Steven Giesel
  • .NET 8 New and Efficient Way to Check IP is in Given IP Range
    Sibeesh Venu
  • ConcurrentQueue in C#
    Michal Kaminski
  • Simplify Source Generator creation the RoslynGenerator template
    Bart Wullems

ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor

  • ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 RC 2
    Daniel Roth
  • Issue and verify BBS+ verifiable credentials using ASP.NET Core and
    Damien Bowden
  • Improve performance by dynamically loading image in Blazor WASM
    Abdul Rahman Shabeek Mohamed
  • Debugging cookie problems in ASP.NET Core
    Tore Nestenius
  • Create an ASP.NET Core backgroundservice that runs at regular intervals using PeriodicTimer
    Bart Wullems
  • Blazor Basics: Creating a Todo App using Blazor WebAssembly
    Claudio Bernasconi
  • How to Make a Todo List in C# with ASP.NET Core Blazor
    Nick Cosentino
  • Rendering Blazor components to a string: Exploring the .NET 8 preview
    Andrew Lock
  • How to accept Stripe payments via Blazor in .NET 8
    Jon Hilton
  • How to Implement Audit Trail in ASP.NET Core Web API
    Muhammed Saleem
  • Server-side rendered SPAs with ASP.NET and no Javascript
    Daniel Genezini
  • API Configurations using appsettings.json in ASP.NET Core Web API
    Aram Tchekrekjian
  • Blazor 8 State Management
    Rockford Lhotka
  • Prevent image leech by dynamically streaming image in Blazor WASM
    Abdul Rahman Shabeek Mohamed

Azure / Cloud

  • Términos útiles y trucos para KQL y Application Insights
    David Gonzalo

Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas

  • What's a sandwich?
    Mark Seemann
  • How Airbnb Scaled by Moving Away from a Monolith
    Leo Creed
  • The challenge of scaling WebSockets [with video]
    Ably Realtime
  • Grokking Bit Manipulation Tricks and Complete Guide
    Gopi Gorantala
  • How to seed a new Microservice with data?
    Derek Comartin


  • EF Core 8 RC 2: Smaller features in EF8
    Arthur Vickers
  • SQL SERVER Performance: Functions in WHERE Clause
    Pinal Dave

Machine learning / IA / Bots

  • Generative AI and .NET - Part 4 Images
    Aaron Powell
  • "Search the web" for up-to-date OpenAI chat responses
    Craig Dunn

Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript

  • Nuevo en Chrome 118
    Adriana Jara
  • Shapes in CSS
    Alvaro Montoro
  • The Future of CSS: Easy Light-Dark Mode Color Switching with light-dark()
    Bramus Van Damme
  • A comprehensive guide to the dangers of Regular Expressions in JavaScript
    Phil Nash
  • Why Angular’s New Image Directive is Worth Knowing
    Jonathan Gamble
  • Quick Tip: Decorators in TypeScript
    Steve Kinney
  • How to Create a Sticky On Scroll Effect with JavaScript
    Davide Pasquale
  • How it works: The novel HTTP/2 ‘Rapid Reset’ DDoS attack
    Google Cloud Blog
  • Prompting GitHub Copilot Chat to become your personal AI assistant for accessibility
    Ed Summers & Jesse Dugas
  • React Basics: Working with React Objects
    Chinedu Imoh
  • Leveraging JavaScript for Common Search Operations
    Francisco Inoque
  • JavaScript WeakRef Explained: Harnessing Memory Management Magic
    Luca Del Puppo
  • Intro to Hyperscript: Rethinking JavaScript
    Matthew Tyson
  • CSS relative color syntax
    Adam Argyle
  • What's New in DevTools (Chrome 119)
    Sofia Emelianova
  • Running Automation Tests at Scale Using JavaScript
    Suhagkumar Vamja
  • Unveiling the Magic of -> CSS :not Selector
  • React pass component as prop TypeScript: Best Practices and Patterns - Filippo Rivolta
    Filippo Rivolta
  • Bubble PURE CSS? [No JS] 😱

Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas

  • Visual Studio 2022 17.8 Preview 3 is here!
    Adrian Murphy
  • VS Code Update Improves Testing with GitHub Copilot AI
    David Ramel
  • PSResourceGet is generally available
    Sydney Smith
  • How to force reload cached JSON Schemas in Visual Studio
    Thomas Ardal

.NET MAUI / Xamarin

  • Announcing .NET MAUI in .NET 8 RC 2: More Quality
    David Ortinau


  • How to Parse Wav File
    Hasan Hasanov

Publicado en Variable not found.

This post first appeared on Variable Not Found, please read the originial post: here

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Enlaces interesantes 540
