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The Role of AngularJS Web Development Company in Modernizing Legacy Applications

Market Research Future’s report estimates that the market for modernizing applications was worth USD 12,944.73 million in 2021 and would increase to USD 60,554.94 million by 2030, increasing at a CAGR of 18.70% from 2023 to 2030.

Is updating legacy applications the best course of action for expanding your business?

The quick speed of technological innovations necessitates enterprises’ agility and adaptability to remain competitive. It is essential to consider modernizing legacy software if your software application is not performing as expected or is impeding your ability to innovate your business processes.

Today through this blog, we will understand why Angularjs Web Development company is the right choice for modernizing legacy applications.

Leading AngularJS web application development companies claim that decisions on legacy modernization must be taken right away, or else enterprises will be exposed to several problems.

Such as…

  • Inadequate safety
  • Ineffective and sluggish performance
  • Inability to accommodate expanding business demands
  • Unable to support integrations with the newest technologies
  • Lack of maintenance support

According to Flexera research, most digital products have a lifecycle of just five years. Therefore, while considering the technology for web app development, examining the legacy difficulties, and defining approaches.

AngularJS, a JavaScript open-source framework, is a good choice for Legacy Application Modernization due to its compatibility with older browsers and ability to incrementally upgrade existing code. It provides a structured framework that promotes maintainability and testability, allowing for easier refactoring of legacy code.

Let’s understand the role of an AngularJS web development company in updating your legacy apps. But before covering it, let’s clarify doubts regarding modernization legacy applications and comprehend why every firm ought to do it.

What is Legacy Application Modernization?

Legacy application modernization refers to the process of updating or transforming outdated software systems and architectures to meet the demands of modern technology and business needs.

It involves enhancing functionality, improving performance, and ensuring compatibility with current platforms. Legacy application modernization often includes migrating applications to the cloud, adopting microservices or containerization, replacing outdated programming languages or frameworks, and integrating new features and technologies.

Modernizing legacy applications resembles a software upgrade. In order to create a solid platform, the legacy transition blends the power of outdated business systems with modern technology and software architectures.

The goal is to extend the lifespan of existing applications, enhance their usability, scalability, and security, and enable organizations to leverage the benefits of modern software development practices and infrastructure.

According to research, companies that modernized legacy software cut down the overall cost of business operations by around 13%. Moreover, it was also noticed that businesses with modernized legacy systems could increase their annual revenue by at least 14%.

An experienced AngularJS web development company leveraging the AngularJS framework and using an effective technique for modernizing legacy apps will assist you-

  • Determine the needs and goals of your company.
  • Determine which areas of development or consulting support you need by evaluating the resources available to your organization.
  • Calculate the upgrade’s time and cost requirements.
  • Rank the system’s critical features in importance.
  • Make a long-term growth plan based on the new prospects.
  • Reduce the likelihood of inaccuracy by being prepared for probable challenges.

Do you need to modernize your legacy application? Let’s figure it out!

When is the Right Time for Legacy Application Modernization?

The right time for legacy application modernization is when the benefits outweigh the costs and risks involved. A thorough assessment of the existing system and a strategic evaluation of business requirements can help determine the optimal timing for modernization.

Case I: Poor Performance & Scalability If the application is struggling to handle increased workloads, experiencing frequent downtime, or is unable to scale effectively, it may be time to modernize to improve performance and ensure scalability.
Case 2: Outdated Technology When the application’s underlying technology stack or programming language is no longer supported or widely used, it becomes vulnerable to security risks and lacks compatibility with modern systems.
Case 3: Device Dependent No matter what application a business uses, it’s critical that it doesn’t limit its business functionality to a specific device. For instance, if a business relies on a mobile app for its operations, it must ensure the software program is compatible with Android and iOS.
Case 4: User Dissatisfaction If users are experiencing frustration due to poor user experience, outdated interfaces, or lack of functionality, it may be necessary to modernize the application to enhance usability and meet user expectations.
Case 5: Integration Challenges Legacy applications often need help integrating modern systems, APIs, or third-party services. Modernization can streamline integration processes and improve overall system interoperability.
Case 6: Business Agility Legacy applications may hinder the organization’s ability to adapt to changing market needs or seize new opportunities. Modernization enables businesses to leverage emerging technologies, innovate faster, and remain competitive.
Case 7: Hardware Dependency Hardware maintenance is challenging for two reasons. First, administrative costs for hardware are significant, and second, most hardware quickly becomes obsolete. Due to AngularJS’s excellent built-in features, many businesses employ an AngularJS web development company.

The right time for legacy application modernization depends on various factors, including the specific needs and goals of the organization. However, there are a few scenarios that typically indicate the need for modernization:

If your company falls into one of the aforementioned categories, updating your legacy software is your only option for future business expansion. Employing a capable AnglarJS web and mobile app development company is a wise move in the face of fierce competition.

AngularJS is an effective framework for creating dynamic and reliable user interfaces. Additionally, over the years AngularJS has evolved into one of the flexible and simple-to-use frameworks for building web applications in less time and money.

For more details, read: The Evolution of AngularJS Development: Trends and Predictions for 2023

Let’s go over a few compelling arguments for using this framework to update your application.

Why Choose AngularJS Web Development Company for Legacy Application Modernization?

It is recommended to hire an AngularJS web development company because choosing AngularJS for legacy application modernization can bring several advantages and make it an excellent choice. Here are some reasons why you should consider AngularJS for modernizing your legacy application.

  • Extensibility and modularity

AngularJS is designed with modularity in mind, allowing you to break down your application into reusable components. This modular approach makes managing and maintaining your codebase easier, enabling efficient development and future enhancements.

Thus, by adopting AngularJS, you can refactor and organize your legacy application into smaller, more manageable components, improving code readability and maintainability.

  • Two-way data binding

AngularJS’s two-way data binding feature simplifies the synchronization between the model and the view. In a legacy application, data inconsistency can be a common issue.

Using this feature, an AngularJS web application development company can establish a seamless connection between the data model and the user interface, ensuring that user changes are immediately reflected across the application.

  • Developer productivity

AngularJS consists of a comprehensive set of tools that enhances developer productivity. These tools streamline the development process, reduce repetitive tasks, and provide a solid foundation for building scalable and maintainable applications.

Therefore, hiring AngularJS developers results in faster modernization and reduced development time.

  • Enhanced user experience

AngularJS provides rich tools and features to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. With its declarative syntax and built-in directives, you can easily enhance the user experience of your legacy application.

AngularJS enables the creation of responsive, real-time updates and interactive elements that engage users and improve usability.

Read more about the impact of AngularJS on user experience and user engagement.

  • Community and ecosystem

AngularJS has a vast community of developers (over 1692 contributors on GitHub) who contribute to its growth and support. The community provides extensive resources, documentation, and community-driven libraries, which can accelerate modernization.

With this community support, it is easy to address challenges, find solutions, and stay current with best practices.

  • Long-term support

AngularJS is a mature framework with long-term support and a stable release cycle. Even though Angular, the successor to AngularJS, has been released, AngularJS still receives maintenance and security updates.

By choosing AngularJS for legacy application modernization, you can ensure that your application remains supported and secure while benefiting from a mature and reliable technology stack.

  • Cost-effectiveness

Modernizing a legacy application can be a cost-intensive process. AngularJS can help minimize costs by leveraging existing code and assets. Its ability to work with HTML and JavaScript allows you to reuse and refactor portions of your legacy application, reducing the need for a complete rewrite. This approach saves time, effort, and resources while providing an updated and improved application.

Find the cost to hire AngularJS developers in 2023.

Let’s move on to discover how an AngularJS web development company helps in the modernization of your legacy system successfully.

Top 7 Legacy Application Modernization Approaches of AngularJS Web Development Company

There are several methods for modernizing old systems that are tailored to specific requirements and have distinctive features. Here are seven common approaches to legacy application modernization, along with examples:

1. Rebuild

Rebuilding involves rewriting the application from scratch while retaining its existing functionality. It means throwing out the existing codebase and starting with the most recent options. This approach allows for leveraging modern technologies, frameworks, and design patterns.

For example, rebuilding a legacy application using a modern web development framework like AngularJS, resulting in improved user experience and performance.

2. Rehost

This approach involves migrating the application to a new platform while maintaining its core functionality. For example, moving an application from an on-premises server to a cloud infrastructure such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure. Rehosting offers benefits like improved scalability, reliability, and reduced infrastructure costs.

3. Refactor

Refactoring is the process of enhancing an existing codebase without altering its core functionality. Examples include restructuring the database or rewriting a portion of the system. This strategy seeks to improve the underlying design and optimize particular parts without altering the general behavior of the program.

Refactoring is typically employed in hybrid situations where legacy system components have code that has been optimized for performance. Refactoring typically involves updating the backend components while leaving the frontend or functionality unaffected.

4. Replatform

Replatforming is the process of transferring a legacy system to a new platform or technology stack, frequently after some adjustments to assure compatibility. It tries to maximize the advantages of the new platform while reducing the necessity of significant code changes.

Little adjustments, however, result in limited advantages. Only the parts that are operating on a new system will be adaptable, while the rest won’t be able to keep up with the demands of the contemporary market.

5. Retain

The Retain/Encapsulate strategy for modernizing historical systems entails retaining the current application while enclosing it in a more up-to-date shell. By separating the old system from the rest of the architecture, it will be possible for it to continue operating without impeding the adoption of new technologies or operational procedures.

For a growing business, keeping a legacy system in place is more challenging than updating it. Organizations need a long-term plan in this regard to guarantee the efficient operation of all app components.

6. Replacing

Replacing involves replacing the legacy application entirely with a new, off-the-shelf software package or a custom-built solution. For instance, replacing an outdated accounting system with a modern enterprise resource planning (ERP) system like SAP or Oracle. This approach can provide access to advanced features, improved integration capabilities, and vendor support.

7. Rearchitect

This method involves changing the design of the application code to address performance and scalability difficulties. Advanced technical knowledge is necessary because it is a rather complicated process.

Rearchitecting has various advantages, including enhancing app usability and making it easier to add new features in the future. This strategy is risky, though, as it has the potential to alter how a corporation operates and how the system functions in general.

Some Important Notes

  • These approaches are not mutually exclusive, and AngulaJS web application development companies often combine multiple approaches based on their specific requirements.
  • The choice of approach depends on factors such as budget, time constraints, existing architecture, business objectives, and the complexity of the legacy application.
  • Each approach has advantages and challenges, and it’s crucial to assess and prioritize the most suitable approach for successful legacy application modernization.

Roadmap Followed by an AngularJS Web Development Company in Legacy Application Modernization

Partnering with experienced AngularJS web and mobile application development companies ensures a seamless and efficient modernization journey. Modernizing legacy applications requires a systematic approach and the expertise of AngularJS web development companies.

Following a step-by-step process can successfully transform their legacy applications into modern, scalable, and user-friendly solutions.

Here is the 7-step process

Step 1: Evaluation & Assessment

An AngularJS web development company starts by evaluating the existing legacy application to understand its functionality, architecture, limitations, and pain points. Assess the application’s technology stack, codebase, dependencies, and any outdated components or frameworks. Identify the specific areas that need improvement or modernization.

Key Points

  • Determine problems and specific instances where the system is not functioning properly.
  • Determine how the present system interacts with the others and how changing it would impact your business’s other devices and software.

Step 2: Define Modernization Goals & Objective

Define clear goals and objectives for the modernization project. Identify the desired outcomes, such as improving performance, enhancing user experience, increasing scalability, and enabling integration with modern technologies. Align these goals with the broader business objectives to ensure the modernized application meets the organization’s strategic needs.

Key Point

  • Establish a distinct, unified product vision that considers all technical requirements, performance standards, and finally, how this will contribute to accomplishing business objectives.

Step 3: Choose Modernization Approach

If you are at this stage, you already have a good idea of the difficulties and constraints of your present system and the goals you want to satisfy. Selecting the appropriate upgrade option (discussed in the previous section) at this point will be simpler.

We have rated the “7 Rs” methods for modernization from easiest to most complex and from least to most significant in terms of impact.

Key Points

  • Choose a less radical update, such as Retaining/Encapsulation, Rehosting, or Replatforming, if you have a tight budget and your software only needs a small number of changes to work better.
  • Consider refactoring, rearchitecting, rebuilding, or replacement if you need to completely rework the system’s infrastructure or create it from scratch.

Step 4: Architectural Design & Planning

The design of legacy software is frequently monolithic, which forces businesses to use difficult-to-update programs. Greater agility is needed in the modern digital environment to roll out new features or capabilities.

Therefore, at this stage, an AngularJS web development company defines the overall structure, including components, modules, and data flow. Ensure the architecture supports scalability, maintainability, and integration with other systems.

Key Points

  • Design the architecture for the modernized application.
  • Determine whether to migrate to a new architecture or refactor the existing one.

Step 5: Data Migration & Integration

Migrate data from the legacy system to the modernized application. Develop strategies and processes to ensure data integrity, security, and compatibility. Integrate the modernized application with other systems, databases, or third-party services as required. Implement data transformation and mapping processes to ensure a smooth transition.

Key Points

  • Data should be transferred from the old system to the new application.
  • As required, integrate the updated application with additional programs or databases.

Step 6: Testing & Quality Assurance

Now your AngularJS web development company thoroughly tests the modernized application to ensure functionality, reliability, and security. Once a project has started, it is essential to test and refine the changes made to the application iteratively to ensure everything runs smoothly with hosting, software licensing, connectivity to other services, or databases during the changeover to ensure that the application can adjust to shifting needs.

The AngularJS team implements various testing methodologies, including unit, integration, and performance. Conduct user acceptance testing to validate that the modernized application meets the defined goals and objectives.

Key Points

  • Test the reliability and usability of the upgraded application in-depth.
  • Identify and fix any bugs or issues through rigorous quality assurance processes.

Step 7: Continuous Improvement & Iteration

Legacy application modernization is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor the performance, user feedback, and changing business needs to identify areas for further improvement. Iteratively update the modernized application to align with evolving technologies and market demands.

Key Points

Keep an eye on the performance of the program and collect user reviews.

Determine areas that still need work and refine the application through iteration.

Final Words

You had the modern systems in place when you first started your business. However, when these systems age, your company is forced to deal with their legacy. Business constraints caused by legacy systems are widespread. Therefore, to stay competitive, businesses worldwide are investing in legacy modernization.

A perfect legacy application modernization approach can allow you to update out-of-date systems, boost performance, improve user experience, and open new innovation doors. Businesses can streamline operations, boost productivity, and gain a competitive edge in the market by switching to current platforms and implementing cutting-edge technologies like AngularJS.

We at eLuminous Technologies, a top AngularJS web development company, recognize the value of legacy modernization in fostering company expansion. Our knowledgeable team of professionals offers thorough modernization solutions customized to your business requirements. Connect with our AngularJS development team to clear up all doubts.

This post first appeared on Outsourcing To PHP Development Company For Higher, please read the originial post: here

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The Role of AngularJS Web Development Company in Modernizing Legacy Applications


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