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My Notes On
(Read this article on the blog)My notes on The Trough of Despair I like this article because it touches a problem that I'm seeing over and over again: short-sightedness. People want to see i… Read More
How Cognito User Pools Work
(Read this article on the blog)Cognito User Pools is a user directory where the users of an application can authenticate before they can access protected resources. In practice, that means C… Read More
Hardcoded Assumptions
(Read this article on the blog)Hardcoded assumptions What I found is when a piece of software is "brittle" that is the result of hardcoded assumptions that are not guaranteed by the other pa… Read More
Git Tips And Tricks
(Read this article on the blog)There are so many commands and options in Git, and it continues to evolve to this day. This complexity makes it challenging to know every detail and edge case… Read More
Fooled By Encryption
(Read this article on the blog)Thinking about encryption When talking about a software architecture I often get this question: "Is it encrypted?". A "No" is the bad answer as everybody assum… Read More
DynamoDB Basic Operations
(Read this article on the blog)Working with DynamoDB DynamoDB is a key-value store which means that every item needs a unique key and operations are per item. Because of this, what operation… Read More
First Experiences With Nix Shell
(Read this article on the blog)Migrate to Nix The premise of Nix shell is that it makes available a fixed version of tools. This solves a common problem: how to make sure that all developers… Read More
(Read this article on the blog)Unhandled rejections In one of my projects I'm building a cache that works across workers. With that library, I can turn any function into a cached one where t… Read More
(Read this article on the blog)Why workers JavaScript has a single thread model, which means that whatever code you write will be run by only one CPU core. It is nicely encapsulated in this… Read More
(Read this article on the blog)Publishing a library Back then when I wanted to write and publish a JavaScript library, all I had to do is to create a new GitHub project, write a package.json… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) Content distribution URL signing is a way to provide controlled access to protected content. The backend contains custom code that decides whether a user can… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) Overview CloudFront signed URLs allow access to a path under a distribution. The backend has access to the private part of a key pair and its public counterp… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) Certificates in IoT Core AWS IoT Core requires TLS mutual authentication and that relies on certificates. This means that even the simple use-case of connect… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) SNS is a pub-sub service that can fan-out notifications in AWS. Many services can publish messages to it, and you can add implement logic in your own applicat… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) TOTP (short for Time-Based One-Time-Password) is the most used MFA solution. It’s when you need to enter 6 digits generated by your phone during a login… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) Lucene is a Java library for indexing and searching that you can embed into your Java application to build a Search Engine. Also, you can find many popular to… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) Filter expressions DynamoDB provides support for filter expressions that you can use with operations that return a list of items. As a starting point, this q… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) AppSync follows most other AWS services in terms of how it gets permissions to use resources in an account. By default, it can not access anything and you nee… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) Syncthing monitoring Syncthing is an awesome way to keep files synchronized between devices. It is designed to run in the background, so you configure it onc… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) Input values I use a dotfiles folder that sets up my development environment with all the tools and config I need for my work. One thing it does is it sets u… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) Hashing passwords Hashing is an algorithm that gets a text (or other data) and returns a different, often long and random-looking, text. It’s usually a… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) Scheduling tasks in Linux I have a Linux system and I wanted a monitoring script to run periodically. Easy, right? Just use Cron. Well, after a bit of search… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) OpenID Connect with AppSync AppSync supports multiple types of authorization providers, and one of them is OpenID Connect. It is an open standard and many us… Read More
(Read this article on the blog) NPM dependencies in Lambda You can define Lambda code inline in an archive_file data source, but that works only for simple functions without any dependencie… Read More

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Blog - Advanced Web Machinery
