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Accelerated Development Blog

Statistics and techniques to accelerated every phase of development.
User Stories Or Use Cases?
Alistair Cockburn says “A user story is to a use case as a gazelle is to a gazebo“. If you are extremely familiar with both techniques then this makes sense.  If you are not… Read More
Virtually everyone complains that there is poor documentation for software systems. However, if you ask the same people during a project to document what they are doing then they will tell y… Read More
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) was adopted as a standard by the OMG in 1997, almost 20 years ago.  But despite its longevity, I’m continually surprised at few organizations a… Read More
Extreme programming (XP) introduced most people to pair programming. The theory was that the sooner that code was reviewed, the more effective the review — so how much more effective c… Read More
It is a guarantee that don’t like someone on your development team and they have behaviors or habits that you might find objectionable: Mashable talks about 45 most annoying offic… Read More
We often hear the term schedule risk, however, it is generally a Red Herring. Stating that the schedule might stretch is about as useful as saying that eating can cause you to… Read More
All tools are useful when used appropriately, and User stories are no different. User stories are fantastic when used in small teams on small projects where the team is co-located and has ea… Read More
Just as eternal as the cosmic struggle between good and evil is the challenge between our two natures. Religion aside, we have two natures, the part of us that: thinks things through; m… Read More

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Accelerated Development
