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String Compare using strcmp() function in C Language

String Compare Using Strcmp() Function In C Language

In this C program we will compare two strings using strcmp() fuction. The Strings will be given by the User.color>

strcmp() function compares two strings in this program, if two strings are identical (i.e: "Hello" and "Hello" are identical), then the function returns a integer value Zero "0" else, it returns a non-zero value.
If it returns -1 then it means, the first mis-match occured between a Higher-case and a Lower-case value.(i.e: Apple and apple)
If it returns +1 then it means, the first mis-match occured between a Lower-case and a Higher-case value.(i.e: apple and Apple)
Obviously the function strcmp() is case-sensitive.
strcmp() takes two arguements.
Like : strcmp(string1,string2);

Learn about different string functions and their use: Different String Functions


The two Strings.


The strings are identical or not, will be printed on the screen.


int main()
int i;
char str1[100],str2[100];
printf(" Please, Enter the first string: ");
printf(" Please, Enter the second string: ");
printf("\n Both String are same.");
printf("\n The given string are not same.");
return 0;

Download the C-Program file of this Program.

Don't just read, run on your pc !!!color>

RESULT :color>

Please, Enter the first string: Hello World
Please, Enter the second string: Hello World

Both String are same.
Process exited after 15.78 seconds with return value 0
Press any key to continue . . .

Please, Enter the first string: Hello World
Please, Enter the second string: Hello ProgramJoy

The given string are not same.
Process exited after 19.84 seconds with return value 0
Press any key to continue . . .

Images for better understanding : color>

Also On Youtube String Concatenation :color>

This post first appeared on, please read the originial post: here

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String Compare using strcmp() function in C Language
