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GLS16: Erin Meyer – The Culture Map


Cultural differences can impact effectiveness with the employee even knowing it.

Culture mapping

I. What does it mean to be a good communicator in different cultures.

Low context culture vs high context culture

Explicit, simple, clear vs Implicit, layered, nuanced

US/Canada-low Spain/Italy- mid Japan/Korea-high

Communicating conclusions:

  • Multicultural teams need low context processes
  • With low context people be as explicit as possible, put in writing and repeat key points
  • With high context people, ask clarifying questions, repeat yourself less, and increase ability to “read the air.”

II. Giving constructive feedback

Direct negative feedback vs indirect negative feedback

Israel/Russia-direct US/UK-mid Japan/Philippines-indirect

III. What silence means

High comfort with silence vs low comfort with silence

East Asian-gaps between talking US/UK-perfect timing in talking Latin countries-overlap in talking

This post first appeared on Radio Free JoJo | A Reasoned Voice On Politics, Fa, please read the originial post: here

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GLS16: Erin Meyer – The Culture Map
