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"Children Of The Gods!"

In the days before World War Two, the Japanese War Machine didst hatch a plot,to invade America ,and claim the Shining City for the Glory of the Emperor Hirohito.It was, however ,General Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander of the Imperial Japanese Navy,who refused to entertain such an ambitious coup,for he knew,in his dark heart of hearts, that it was doomed to failure,before it could even begin.
'There would be a rifle, behind every blade of grass",declared the General. Yamamoto knew that the America people would be armed and ready to defend their land.He was correct.The America that Yamamoto knew,would indeed be ready to repel any invader from her shores as easily as swatting a fly.The America that Japanese Empire knew,was founded on an idea, a concept that had been speculated upon, for thousands of years, by kingdoms and cultures around the globe.
The Ancient Greeks wrote often of it, in philosophy and song.The Romans mocked it, with a ruling Senate that was mere political artifice,that still bowed before its ruling Emperors.Moses carved it, on tablets of stone,while using God's hand to bring freedom to a nation. Jesus led a three year campaign in First Century Judea, promoting it, with a message of peace, love,and brotherhood, that would change the world. The British Empire would put down on paper its basic principles, that would become known to the world as the Magna Carta.
Yet still, for all the talk, all the speculation,all the theory,it had never been achieved, never become reality,
Until the True Birth of Freedom,
Until America.
The Concept?
That man, by his nature, was never meant to be ruled by other men.That man was created free, and therefore should live free,according to his nature,
That man needed no King,Queen, Dictator or Tyrant, to rule him.Indeed, such systems of government had been in effect since the dawn of time, and all had brought mankind nothing but destruction , despair, disease, and desolation.
Man was not meant to bend to the will of other men. Man was not meant to suffer beneath the boot heel,of those who deem themselves superior.
Man was created by God, to be free, and freedom cannot be governed or ruled. The failure of every government on earth, since the dawn of time, has proven this.No, there is only one system of government that could work for such creatures, a system of self government ,where each and every individual would be a government unto themselves, free to live, work, and worship according to their individual will. Within this system, man would elect representatives that would speak for them,before the body of collective states,and work their will , and their will alone, for the greater good of the Free Republic.
A system of self government , self rule, that would relegate the tyrant's boot, to the ash heap of history, forevermore.
Only America would achieve this system, and it has made it the greatest nation on earth, and the last best hope for humanity. Without America, without this system, the world cannot survive, simple as that.For only the Free Republic of America, could be the force to liberate the world. For, where freedom exists, where liberty exists, all things are indeed possible.
The Emperor Hirohito and General Yamamoto knew this,
And knew that no invasion of America could succeed , for a free man cannot be conquered.
The Empire of Japan, would choose a different attack, a sudden, unprovoked,terror strike at American Naval forces on the Island of Hawaii.A cowardly terror attack, that would ,as Yamamoto stated, "awaken a sleeping giant",and give birth to the Second World War, a war that would bring the world to the brink of complete destruction. But, America and her allies in freedom would triumph over the Axis powers, for one simple reason,
Freedom,has no limits.
With Freedom comes unlimited resources,
With Freedom comes unlimited power,
With Freedom comes unlimited resolve,
With freedom comes unlimited will,
With Freedom comes unlimited skill,
With Freedom comes inevitable victory, always.
The Greatest Generation of Americans proved this, on a Bloodstained Beach Head in Normandy,
On D-Day,
The day that free men would show the world what they were made of.
The day that free men would save the world.
But, save it for what?
For decades of Socialist Democrat rule, brought on by a disinterested , dispirited, entitlement class America,that no longer had the will to govern themselves, and allowed their throne to be usurped.?
For generations that would choose entitlements over liberty, and government control, over the heavy burden of self-rule?
For this, did the "Greatest Generation",storm the Beaches of Normandy?
As President Reagan would say on June 6th,1984, the Anniversary of D-Day,"America uses force , not to conquer, but to liberate".
How strange then, in the days after Reagan, that America , the Nation that would risk all to bring Liberty to others, would also willingly give up their own, for the entitlement boot heel of Democrat rule.The Republican Party is the Party of Lincoln, the Party of Reagan, the Party that created our Constitution, that ended slavery, that created civil rights, that limits taxes and regulations, that strengthens our military, that supports our 2nd Amendment right, the right that makes all others possible,..the right that gave Emperor Hirohito ,..pause.
Every state controlled by Republicans is prosperous and strong, and every year that the Federal Government was controlled by the Republican Party, was a year where America shined.
Yet still, decade after decade, We the People have abdicated our self-rule, and allowed the Democrat Party, the Party of slavery, the Party of British collaboration, the Party of high taxes , heavy regulations, and a weakened military, the Party that seeks to repeal our Second Amendment rights,..the Party of tax burdening entitlements for illegals, and open borders that threaten the security of our nation.
The Party, that seeks to rule our land, to control our people, by the divine right, of elitist will.
This, can no longer be tolerated, if America is to endure.
A system of self government, the greatest system yet devised by man,
Requires the self-participation of We the People,
We the Republic,
If it is to survive.
Those who now look at the past Primary Season, and see it as a symptom of a failed America,of a corrupt government, of crony capitalism gone wild, are only fooling themselves.
When looking for a Scapegoat, a Judas,to place the burden of guilt upon,for the Fall of America,
We the People need look no further than our own bathroom mirrors.
The willful ignorance,apathy, disinterest,and disdain, for the burden, the sacred responsibility of self-rule by the American people, is the only thing to blame for the fall of our Free Republic.
A King who is no longer willing to sit upon his throne, is no longer King,
And the American people , after decades of drug addled , medical marijuana induced disinterest, have indeed shown themselves to be no longer willing, or able, sit upon a throne, won by the blood of patriots.
We the People are solely responsible for the state of our Free Republic.
Not Obama,
Not Hillary,
Not Trump,..
We the People,who willingly tossed away a crown, a kingdom, and a rule, in exchange for a self -imposed stupor,and a tax payer funded lifestyle,that, in no way resembles true living.
And now,with the coming of yet another Republican Primary season, with eight years of Democrat destruction leaving America balanced on the edge of the abyss, still, 80% of registered members of the Republican Party, the Party of Lincoln, the Party of Reagan,..the Party of Bush,..still could not shake themselves out of their self imposed stupors long enough to get up and fight, to go to the polls, and vote for the obvious choice for Republican nominee,the perfect conservative with the perfect conservative voting record, Ted Cruz.
80% still stayed home in their self absorbed, Kardashian inspired cocoon of ignorance, and let the Democrat Party pick yet another Republican contender for the Presidency,
This time, a man named Trump.
And now, America is outraged?
What utter nonsense.
I'm sorry, my fellow Americans, who call themselves #NeverTrump, but I find the presence of willfully ignorant fools , even more offensive than Liberal Democrats.
Trump is the Republican nominee, and you will support him, because the Democrats must lose, and the woman responsible for the deaths of the Benghazi Four, must never be President.
If you refuse to support Trump, and continue to pretend you really supported Cruz , despite the evidence to the contrary, then I dismiss you as an enemy of America, even more contemptible than the destructive Democrats themselves,
Because you, as conservatives, should know better, yet you still do not.
I will not sit back and watch you disgrace the children of the gods, the children of this, the New Olympus, who stormed that Bloodstained Beach Head, ,and by so doing,saved the world.
I will not sit idly by, while you squander the hard work of the 17 Republican contenders who battled for months, to win the Presidency, by sitting home, voting third Party, or voting Hillary.
Donald Trump is the Republican Nominee. He won it fair and square,and worked hard to achieve that victory.
So be it.
Here is your Champion ,America, born out of the willful ignorance and apathy of the Republican voter .Not a Prince of Conservative virtue, but a Blustering Master of Deception and Self-Promotion,
You have rejected your Thor,..and chosen your Loki,..
Accept it,and do what is necessary,to insure his victory in November.
Trump will be the next President of this New Olympus,
He will be the New Commander in Chief, of the Armed Forces, of the United States,
The Praetorian Guard of Cruz, Lee, Ryan, Gingrich, and Sessions,..will see that he listens, learns, and follows the Republican Agenda,
And the Democrat Party will suffer final, ignominious, and well deserved defeat.
For the Children of the Gods, who sacrificed all in defense of Freedom,
There can be no other outcome.

This post first appeared on Stuart Caesar : Warmonkey, please read the originial post: here

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"Children Of The Gods!"


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