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"A Gathering of Conspirators"

"Now is the Winter of our discontent,made glorious summer by this Son of York,and all the clouds that lowered upon our house ,in the deep bosom of the ocean buried"
A quote from Shakespeare's "Richard III",as he celebrates his brother Edward's ascension to the Throne of England, and at the same time ,broods over his own deformities and unfulfilled ambitions for the throne.Ambitions that he hopes to make reality by manipulation ,treachery, deceit, and yes, even murder. Like Richard, so too does former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have dark ambitions to win her own throne , and, like the scheming hunchback Richard,will use treachery and deceit to make her dream reality.
Indeed, the political manipulations of Hillary Rodham Clinton make even those of devious, deformed Richard pale by comparison .Starting with her days as a young lawyer working of the Watergate Committee, when she was fired unceremoniously by House Judiciary Committee Chief of Staff Jerry Zeifman for "unethical behavior and outright lies"regarding her attempt to deny President Nixon access to defense council. Then came the Whitewater real estate fraud and ponzi scheme, that led to the mysterious death of Clinton confidant and advisor Vince Foster .Then came the Clinton Foundation ,that takes donations from America's enemies , in exchange for political favors.Then came the final outrage,Secretary of State Clinton's Benghazi Scandal ,a masterpiece of  email and server treason, which left a Libyan Embassy mysteriously unprotected , on the Anniversary of 911, and four American operatives dead at the hands of AlQueda terrorists.
And make no mistake, that is the one , the only scandal in the sordid career of Hillary Clinton that cannot be swept under the rug, the one that will not go away, ever, until the Families of the four dead Americans who were operating in Benghazi get the answers they deserve.
Benghazi Ambassador Chris Stevens , Information Management Officer Sean Smith,Navy Seal Security Officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, are all dead for reason, and one reason alone;..Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignored the over six hundred requests made in 2012, fore more security at the Benghazi Embassy,as the 911 Anniversary approached.Six Hundred requests for help, sent by email to the State Department.Twenty alone, on the night of the attack on the Embassy.
All ignored.
In fact, every single American Embassy , all around the globe ,were left unprotected ,and vulnerable to attack .Why?The answer is clear, and the answer is pure Hillary Clinton. The 2012 Presidential re-election campaign was only fifty days away.The Obama Administration had promoted the idea that in President Obama's first four years, not only had he killed Bin Laden, but he had, in effect ended the threat of AlQueda terrorism in general. And , the Gaddafi  free Libya was considered  an Obama Administration triumph.Obama had AlQueda on the run, and Bin Laden was dead.Simple as that. That was the campaign slogan that would bring defeat to Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney.
A buildup of military forces in Benghazi, or any Embassy as the 911 Anniversary approached,would send the wrong signal to the voters .The Obama Administration had to make it clear;..there was peace in Libya,peace in the Middle East in general, and therefore there was no need for any security whatsoever, not with peacemaker and Nobel Prize winner Barack Obama as President. Except,..that there was.
Al Queda executed a planned terror attack, on the Libyan Embassy , on the 911 Anniversary.
They burned it to the ground,and killed four Americans. But that reality could not be ,not this close to President Obama's re-election bid. So,the story was changed to make the cause of attack a YouTube Video mocking the Prophet Muhammed ,that supposedly so enraged muslims around the world, that it resulted in an armed, "spontaneous protest" in Benghazi.
A complete lie.
A lie that every single member of the Obama Administration , and the Democrat Party  in general, promoted relentlessly for years. U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice sold the story on every Sunday Morning News Show , and Hillary promised grieving families standing before the Flag draped coffins of their dead loved ones, that she would make sure the maker of that YouTube video would be punished.
A Lie, crafted to assure Obama re-election.
And now, despite the many years of ducking, dodging, erasing of emails,wiping of private servers,refusing to answer any questions from the Benghazi Committee,,..the truth has finally been exposed,
as Hillary Rodham Clinton was finally forced to testify, under subpeona  before the Benghazi Committee,..her perceived gathering of conspirators.
The result?
The smoking gun emails,sent to the Egyptian Prime Minister,and to her daughter Chelsea, in the immediate wake of the Benghazi Attack, confirm that Hillary knew, from the minute it happened, that the attack on the Benghazi Embassy was pre-planned by Al Queda,and was in no way related to the Prophet Muhammed Video.
She said so, in writing.
There it was , in Hillary's own words, for all the world to see. She knew it was a terror attack, and had simply lied to assure the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama.
They all lied to the American people. , to the families of four dead Americans , who served their country with honor and distinction , just to insure that the Democrat Party, remains in power.
Just to insure that the Democrat mission to diminish America would continue for another four years.
To be sure, the eleven hour grilling by Benghazi Committee Leaders Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan revealed many other illicit things, including the sharing of classified emails with old friend ,confidant , and Director of the Clinton Foundation Sidney Blumenthal.
But, the real key to whole event,the most important part of this interrogation was not the unsecured emails, the private server,the blatant failure to protect top secret classified government information,or even the email revelation that the Secretary of State and the entire Obama Administration knew Benghazi was a terror attack.
No, the most important moment , beyond a shadow of a doubt, is when Trey Gowdy confronted Hillary on the key questions that have, until now remained unanswered, questions that have hung in the air, like a guillotine;...
Why were the endless requests for additional security at the Embassy ignored?... Who made the decision to ignore them?..Who ordered the Stand Down?....Where was the President during the seven hour attack on the Embassy?
Now, thanks to Congressman Trey Gowdy ,Congressman Jim Jordan, and the rest of the Republican Benghazi Committee,we have an answer to at least two of the questions .
Hillary has claimed she never saw any Chris Stevens requests for security .She has stated that other State Department operatives handled that decision, and she had absolutely nothing to do with it, knew nothing about it, and refused to fire those who were responsible.
In other words,Secretary of State Clinton has chosen to blame yet un-named State Department operatives .for a decision that was her responsibility , and hers alone.
Is she telling the truth?
Of course not.
Hillary Clinton's entire political career , like Richard III, nothing but a collection of endless deceptions, deceits and  political malfeasance, all to secure her power , that's all.
The decision to deny additional security to an American Embassy was hers and the President's, guaranteed,..even though the President remains a shadowy figure on that fateful night.
What did the Benghazi Committee Hearings ultimately accomplish?
Will jail be the fate of the former Secretary of State?
No. there will be no jail for Hillary. Nor will her supporters abandon her, or her bid for the Presidency.
No, Secretary of State Clinton's punishment is simply that she will be denied the Presidency of the United States.
The one thing, the one ambition,..that has motivated her since the days of Watergate,..
That dream will now vanish for one simple reason,..
Hillary Clinton is running for the office of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Beyond all doubt, Secretary of State Clinton has demonstrated an inability to carry out the one duty that defines a President.
She has, by her own admission, failed to protect citizens who desperately pleaded for protection  from America's enemies.
Hillary Clinton has failed to protect Americans during a time of war.
Then, blamed her failure on State Department  Subordinates.
For that reason, and that reason alone,..
A President Hillary Clinton ,..
Can never be,...
Must never be,..
Will never be,..
"A Horse, a Horse,.... my Kingdom,.....for a Horse!",...cried the Hunchback King, he watched his mad dreams vanish beneath the flashing blade of the invading enemy's sword.
In the end, there would be no Horse, respite ,..for the scheming Richard ,who took deception and murder for his Falsely Won Crown.
Nor shall there be a Horse,..
a Kingdom,..
a Crown,..
for Hillary Rodham Clinton,..
Whose own mad dreams and ambitions,..vanished that night in Benghazi,..
On the Anniverary of 911.

This post first appeared on Stuart Caesar : Warmonkey, please read the originial post: here

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"A Gathering of Conspirators"


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