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Brief update on PRO Gainesville hypocrisy and ACLU of Texas hypocrisy


The self-righteous idiots at PRO Gainesville appealed their original misdemeanor conviction in Cooke County's county court at law to the state's Seventh Court of Appeals and when they (pretty summarily) lost that, were dumb enough to appeal again to the state's Court of Criminal Appeals.

Part of the reason for the appeal? Claims of ineffective counsel for them by their legal beagle, Alison Grinter. The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas signed off on this claim in leading them (I see it as "leading them" in the sense of "leading them on") in their appeal.

Just one TINY problem. Grinter was one of the lawyers who helped Crystal Mason get her vote fraud conviction overturned.

So which is it, ACLU of Texas? Is Grinter an idiot or a genius?

Per the original case, there's other reasons to dislike Grinter.

It still doesn't belay the massive hypocrisy of the ACLU of Texas

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Brief update on PRO Gainesville hypocrisy and ACLU of Texas hypocrisy
