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Fuck the IRS and fuck Biden for the politicization

Fuck The IRS And Fuck Biden For The Politicization

I don't know why exactly Joe Biden's new, agent-enhanced IRS decided to scare the hell out of middle-class Americans like me by sending us a letter, months removed from the end of normal tax-filing season, out of the blue ... 

Urging us to sign up for Obamacare.

As this was NOT a month after I had filed my annual tax return, I knew this couldn't be getting notified that I had failed to sign my return, or something like that — which I have done before.

So, my first thought, before opening the letter?

"I'm being audited."

Way to scare the shit out of me.

Put a stamp-like notice on the front of the letter next time.

Second, I consider this a politicization of the IRS.

Maybe it's not Tricky Dick's weaponization of the IRS in the 1970s, but it is a politicization.

And, given that wingnut Republicans fought Biden tooth and nail on the issue of hiring more agents, politically, it's also an incredibly stupid one.

And, ultimately, it's Genocide Joe doubling down on not doing anything to fix our health care system, as in, no national health care.

No, that's semi-ultimately.

Ultimately is that this is yet another reason not to vote for Warmonger Joe.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Fuck the IRS and fuck Biden for the politicization
