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Texas Progressives talk Israel-Gaza, schools, more


Jill Stein, seeking a third Green Party presidential nominee, calls for an investigation of Bibi Netanyahu's war crimes, and for Joe Biden's abetting them.

One step related to that? The Center for Constitutional Rights is suing Genocide Joe. (Did I give a donation? What do YOU think?)

SocraticGadfly first, for Veterans Day, had an "in memoriam" of Medal of Honor winner Hiroshi Miyamura. He also offered his latest thoughts on Israel-Gaza andZelensky-Ukraine.

Deep East Texas school district is now all-electric on its school bus fleet, except for long-distance trips. Biden does get a kudo for this, and the program needs to be ramped up.

In not-so--good school news, the wingnut University of Austin is seeking student applications.

Any good Tex-ass university like that will need a football coach. I heard Jimbo Fisher is available.

To pander to the Religions Right, Univ. of Austin will also need religious leaders. I heard that Joseph Strickland, former Bishop of Tyler, is available after Pope Francis shit-canned him.

The official state cult of death executed Brent Brewer.

Ukraine did it (but without Zelensky knowing) is the latest theory on the Nord Stream pipeline destruction.

The Great Cajun Turtle Heist shows how endemic the trade in non-exotic, but still illegal, wildlife is in Texas, just like that in exotic wildlife.

Off the Kuff considers the lower than expected turnout in the Houston elections. 

DosCentavos gives his bit of analysis regarding the Houston election results.

Per 1976 Jimmy Carter, Speaker Mike Johnson only needs to have his son monitor his potential porn watching if he's already lusting in his heart.

Yes, but, Jeff St. Clair. One-quarter of what Counterpunch runs is dreck, like the guy who was (is?) your poet laureate. I've sent stuff that you haven't run, both poetry and prose.

I'll go one better than Matthew Hoh. Since US entry into WWI was based on Woodrow Wilson lies and conniving, let's not rename Veterans Day back to Armistice Day, let's get rid of it.

If there's a US problem of the last 30 years, it probably started with Slick Willie.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project posted about what we must expect of the Democrats we elect with democracy under assault.  

The Eyewall explains what "Superfog" is and why it's happening now in Louisiana.  

Your Local Epidemiologist warns about states withholding vaccine information. 

The Houston Press talks to a former HISD teacher apprentice who called it quits after seeing how HISD is operating now.  

Franklin Strong rounded up the good, the bad, and the so-so of the 2023 school board elections in Texas.  

Law Dork analyzes the Justice Department's response to Alabama's threat to prosecute people in Alabama who help other Alabamans seek an abortion elsewhere.  

Robert Rivard minces no words about Greg Abbott's voucher scam.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Texas Progressives talk Israel-Gaza, schools, more
