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Democratic Socialists of America imploding


A bunch of DSA oldtimers like Harold Meyerson and Peter Dreier say they're leaving the organization, primarily because it's too strong in support of Hamas, but also because it has other purity tests.

First, the "other purity tests." It's laughable, or a sign of slippage, for an old-time labor reporter and columnist like Harold Meyerson to call criticism of AOC, Cori Bush, et al for signing off on Strikebreaker Joe's anti-union railroad bill a "purity test." If it is, the DSA needs more.

As for everything associated with Israel-Gaza? Click through the links to Tweets, and you'll find that things are more innocuous than the signers claim.

Of course, ALL of DSA is ultimately sheepdoggers. That said, it's become slightly less sheepdogging in recent years.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Democratic Socialists of America imploding
