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I smell a rat: Pat Fallon leaving Congress


The carpetbagging (you are) CD-4 Texas Congresscritter is not running for re-election.

OK, that of itself no big deal.

But wanting to get back his old Texas Senate District 30 seat?

THAT is a big deal. 

Especially since you've only been in Congress three years and change.

Look, nobody gets tired of Congress that fast. Half the true-blue term limits touters break their pledges, and most who affirm them become DC lobbyists.

Here's why I smell a rat. His explanation:

"At the end of the day, the decision came down to, If we lose Texas, we lose the nation," Fallon said in a brief interview. "It’s just terribly important to ensure that Texas has written a great success story and I want to keep moving that forward."

Yeah, sure. If Tex-ass is about to flip Democrat, you running for Drew Springer's seat ain't changing that.

This is clearly a lie. Now, what's the truth? J6 indictment pending? Trumpies have something on him? Doesn't want to serve with a possible second-term Trump prez?

It's not like he's rescuing SD-30 from RINOs, either. Carrie de Moor had filed to run against Drew, and she's as wingnut as he is, just a more urban one.

Seriously, from the first time I met the guy, I knew that I wouldn't trust him farther than I could throw him.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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I smell a rat: Pat Fallon leaving Congress
