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RFK Jr. is #GenocideBob and more


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has of course been an antivaxxer of long standing. But, he's far worse than that.

Bob Jr. is also a Cold War 2.0 Cold Warrior, per this Tweet, getting a boner for the project just like his uncles. And, why is an alleged environmentalist so worries about global oil control rather than talking about wind and solar power to boost electric car usage, or transitioning toward walkable cities, etc.?

And, people who follow him on Twitter will also note that this is just the latest version of #GenocideBob wanting to cut blank checks to the ZioNazis running Israel right now. (The likes of Haaretz do yeoman's work exposing them internally, but Israeli voters' preferences, and the manipulations of Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox parties there, make clear that this is an uphill slog.)

That said, Bob Jr. has turned his antivaxxerism into part of a piece on larger racialized tropes. He recently touted Auntie Angie's House, which, reading between the lines of this:

Our mission is to eradicate the Black Maternal Health Crisis through research, advocacy, support, education, and awareness.

Presumably believes in the "abortion is Black genocide" trope.

Given that he's grifted on the actual wrongs of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment to target American Samoa, Somali immigrants in Minneapolis and other people of color with his antivaxxerism, Bob Jr. may actually be a self-gaslighter on the "abortion is Black genocide" issue. As a book I just read notes, in 2021, Bob Jr.'s Children's  Health Defense released the film "Medical Racism: The New Apartheid." Add in that Bob Jr. has buddied up with Tony Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, and there you are. (How he squares this with blank checks for Israel, I don't know.)

As I've noted elsewhere, he's already got pretty high "unfavorables" in early elections polling that includes him, and those unfavorables aren't insignificant among self-alleged independents as well as Rethugs and Democraps. The oil issue only has to further disenchant environmentalists, while the Cold Warriorism undercuts him as an original thinker on foreign policy.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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RFK Jr. is #GenocideBob and more
