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Texas Progressives, education division: Dead vouchers, more


This week's Roundup is split into two parts, with this first part focused on the death of vouchers in the just-ended special session of the Texas Legislature and what the future might hold.

Reminder: Texas Progressives stand with Gaza despite Genocide Joe and despite an Israeli cabinet member's talk of nukes.

School vouchers appear dead in the House. And, in fact, Speaker Dade "Dade" Phelan essentially "faced" Abbott and his "we will have a bill" claim. AND, Abbott was politically inept enough to make that claim two days in a row! Strangeabbott's gonna piss Legiscritters off if he tries to get in another special this year as it would have to either cross Thanksgiving or push up against Christmas.

That said, a revamped House Bill 1 was released by Brian Buckley last Friday, and he said he'll file it in that next special. The big diff? Voucher recipients have to take a standardized test, a kiss of death to Strangebbott, Goeb and other hardline vouchers backers. But, public school supporters say a $530 increase in the per-student basic allotment isn't enough. And, it still won't sway Dems who want "delinkage."

Public school thought leaders attacked Abbott for holding public school teacher pay hostage to vouchers, and also for not addressing most other issues a task force recommended for the Lege's regular session. 

That that said, the Observer notes that Strangeabbott had caved on STAAR testing and more. Per that piece, rural House Republicans whom Strangeabbott hoped to flip have largely been quiet, but Drew Darby said in a TV interview that testing accountability, like Buckley's bill, might do the trick. The Observer quotes a couple of Baptist pastors unhappy with Abbott trying to co-opt the pulpit, too.

So why beat this dead horse? Cal Jillson and others speculate there that it's for electoral politics, as Abbott still wants that primarying club.

And, the more ...

So far, Texas' version of a Crown Act hasn't protected Darryl George, in part because Strangeabbott and Weaselshit Ken aren't working on that protection. Also, Barbers Hill ISD appears to be a bunch of liars.

Palm Grove Elementary in Brownsville ISD says "hold my beer" to Barbers Hill.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Texas Progressives, education division: Dead vouchers, more
