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More Israel-Palestine thoughts: 'Nobody's hands are clean'


Dear Leader has said "nobody's hands are clean." He didn't explicitly include his own, and like some fellow leftist types, it would be easy to scoff at him talking around an issue, as the podcast excerpt at least doesn't have him offering a solution, or even explicitly calling for a cease-fire. But, it's more than either Genocide Joe, Fatuous Fetterman, or St. Bernard of Sanders have said.

And, speaking of that sheepdogger, gotta "love" how many Berners like "Beth: An Alien" are only just now freaked out by St. Bernard of Sanders' visceral hatred of Gaza, despite him having people arrested 30 years ago for protesting the bombing of Serbia, having hated on Gaza before, and having a long history of lusting for F-35s. Also, note to David Klion, re this piece: Norman Finkelstein has the same Holocaust family heritage as Sanders.

Reality or wishful thinking? I'll take the under, so to speak on David Rothkopf's claim that Biden and Netanyahu are near a "breakup" on how genocidal Israel gets in Gaza. Rather than wishful thinking, let's call this what it is: #BlueAnon hopium. That said, Mondoweiss wonders somewhat the same.

"A Textbook Case of Genocide" at Jewish Currents, by Jewish academic Holocaust scholar Raz Segal, is BIGLY stirring the shit within the Jewish world. And, uh, no, it's not referring to Hamas as that textbook case.

Nathan J. Robinson has a good backgrounder on what led to this point. But, as I, Sabby Sabs and others know, unless his feet are held to the first nine months from now, he may still go off Democratic sheepdogging. In other words, your hands aren't clean either, Nathan, as I believe you sheepdogged in 2020. And, they won't at all be clean if you push "safe states OK, tight states sheepdogging" or something next year.

Ditto in spades for The Nation, David Klion and all others. (Since The Nation is sheepdoggers, they'll stay that way.)

You're especially a sheepdogger given that a now-suspended Israeli Cabinet minister mulled nuking Gaza. (Eliyahu is NOT "ex-cabinet".)

Meanwhile, CNN has officially agreed to be IDF's hasbara-peddler.

And, PsyPost's hands certainly aren't clean, trying to psychologically weaponize a deliberate conflation of anti-Zionism and antisemitism.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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More Israel-Palestine thoughts: 'Nobody's hands are clean'
