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Green Party 2024: More than ever, Just.Another.Political.Partyâ„¢


In the wake of Cornel West announcing a month ago that he would abandon his bid for the Green Party nomination and instead run as an independent because Jill Stein and friends wouldn't clear the path for him enough  ....

I wonder just how much "lane-clearing" Stein promised West. I wonder who else she had roped in. I'd love to find all this out, but, like with some of the machinations in the 2020 Green Party nomination battle, which haven't come out despite my (and others, I presume) asking, or like Stein's head-fakes with her 2016 recount fund, I'm not holding my breath.

Don't forget that before Howie Hawkins gained steam to the 2020 finish line, Stein also reportedly entertained pushing Jesse the Body Ventura (his suck-ups hate him being called that) as he was looking at tagging RFK Jr. as his veep. (That's why I refused to cosign bullshit any more and openly called her an antivaxxer.)

Another reason to call the Just.Another.Political.Party™.

Of course, West, with this gambit (like Jesse in 2020) deserves the Just.Another.Politician.™ label.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Green Party 2024: More than ever, Just.Another.Political.Partyâ„¢
