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Texas Progressives talk voting run-up, Musk gets a cheer, more


Learn about Speaker Mike Johnson, Christian nationalist.

Off the Kuff expresses his Mayoral thoughts about John Whitmire and Sheila Jackson Lee. 

Stace makes his unpaid for, no membership required recommendations for the 2023 election, AKA the Stace Slate.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project says State Rep. Armando Walle's support of John Whitmire for Mayor brings Greg Abbott's DPS deportation troops that much closer to Houston communities.

State judge in Travis has blocked TEA from releasing the updated version of its A-F rating system in the face of a lawsuit over it, until a Feb. 12, 2024 trial date.

Once again, the Tex-ass Lege has passed something unconstitutional and again, as oft is the case, it's about immigration. Making matters worse, David Spiller (who is my House Legiscritter) is an actual lawyer, as known by all with him being one of the Ken Paxton impeachment managers.

Speaking of unconstitutional? A Waco JP, wrist-slapped on this same issue by the state judicial conduct board in 2019, is again refusing to perform gay marriages. The state Supremes are supposed to rule ... sometime. What's the wait? Dianne Hensley took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. The deal is that, over the Colorado cakemaker ruling by the US Supremes, more nutters like Hensley are determined to go down this road again.

"Silence gives assent," says the old proverb, so I presume Matt Rinaldi still supports the the racism of Nick Fuentes.

Culdesac, no hyphens, is what the future of American residential communities SHOULD look like — car-free and walkable, and designed that way. WILL it?

(Note: I moved the Musk gets a cheer to a larger post about Israel-Gaza updates.)

SocraticGadfly spins from politics to talk about how veggie burgers aren't really healthy and may not be THAT environmentally friendly.

The Eyewall tries to make sense of how Hurricane Otis went from a small storm to a Category 5 in less than a day. 

The Texas Living Waters Project wants more of a focus on resilience and equity in the next round of "revolving" funds for water development. 

The Dallas Observer reports on a lawsuit that claims Dallas cops violated the civil rights of protesters in 2020. 

The San Antonio Report tells the story of how Toyota came to San Antonio.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Texas Progressives talk voting run-up, Musk gets a cheer, more
