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Cornel West trying to make organizational shit into shinola


Since the relatively abrupt resignation of Peter Daou as his campaign manager a week ago, Cornel West needed to do something about that.

And, he has, albeit more with smoke, mirrors and marketing than reality. Via Independent Political Report, from an extended Tweet by West, he's trying to have a four-headed hydra oversee things.

As I said at IPR?

Uh, yeah!

West needs to hope that one of these four actually has some political organizational skills — and hopefully at least as good as somebody's PR skills in slinging this — as community organizing isn't the same as political campaign management.

Otherwise, this smacks of the start of Carter's and Clinton's presidencies, when they decided they didn't need a traditional chief of staff and found out just how wrong they were.

In this case, West is trying to make a virtue of necessity, but still.

At least he didn't do a Bob Jr., and hire an in-law to run the campaign. But, the day is still young, so to speak.

And, per that tweet? I responded in this vein:

Speaking of truth, justice and love, and mainly the latter two, is there anything new on the back child support? I'll cut him and his CPA a bit of slack on back taxes IF they're addressing it, but this is different. 

And, per Daou's long tweet in the top link, and respondents to West's new tweet about "jazz management" say this means "making it up on the fly," I'm sure this will end up being a big old clusterfuck.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Cornel West trying to make organizational shit into shinola
