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Top 10 blogging for October


As is normal, these may not all be FROM October, and I'll note those that are not.

As usual, reverse order from 10 to 1 with the appropriate drumroll at the end.

No 10 was a Texas Progressives roundup of white greed, white stupidity and more.

No. 9, slipping in stealthily, was a roundup of Texas Greens' infighting. As is the case from 2020 on, its over issues of transsexualism and transgenderism, and once again, a reminder that sex is not gender, and also a reminder that I reject both of the "twosiderism" two sides within state and national GPs (or former state GPs as in Georgia) on this issue.

At No. 8, I discuss the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine going to mRNA work.

At No. 7, I excoriated Warmonger Joe's linkage of Ukraine and Israel for a $100 billion bribe. (It looks, more and more, like Ukraine is on the back burner and may even be taken off the range. Will other NATO countries follow suit?)

In sixth place, another Texas Progressives roundup, which I edited into an explicit third-party and independent focus. (Why Brains never did this before he took his ball and went home, I don't know.)

No. 5? Wayne Christian following in the footsteps of Susan Combs in hating on the dunes sagebrush lizard.

OK, from here on out, the rest of the list will pick up on No. 6.

No. 4 is my discussion and analysis of RFK Jr.'s announcement of his independent political campaign for 2024.

No. 3? I wondered if Cornel West, Peter Daou or both were daft in Cornel West abandoning the Green Party to run as an independent. (From Bob Jr's POV in No. 4, I support him being an independent and not joining the Libertarian Party.)

No. 2? The Socialist Party USA just nominated Bill Stodden. For a number of reasons, I said I wouldn't be voting him in, if available here in Tex-ass by write-in. Note: All three of Nos. 4-2 are fairly, but not incredibly, long.

No. 1? Could it be bots? From two years ago, a Texas Progressives roundup that looked at the start of the 2022 election cycle and Southwest Airlines problems, a full year before the Christmastime 2022 meltdown.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Top 10 blogging for October
