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RFK Jr. bringing new donor bucks into race

RFK Jr. Bringing New Donor Bucks Into Race

A month ago, I wrote about the planned leak of RFK Jr.'s big announcement for Oct. 9, which is, of course, today, and the leak indicating that he will indeed run as an independent. And, now, we're seeing more and more TWO campaign finance phenomena.

One is that Bob Jr. is drawing more from Republican than Democrat money on donors with a political history.

Two, and bigger, is that he's drawing new blood.

Politico looks at the money Kennedy's own campaign, not Super PAC, raised up to Sept. 30. It frames this as "Republican lean," but really, what it is, is massive political newbie lean. More than three-quarters of the large-dollar donors gave no federal funds in general in either 2016 or 2020.

Beyond that first graph, of those who have donated elsewhere this cycle, he's primarily getting money from Trump donors but also Vivek Ramaswamy contributors.

Beyond that graph, see this lie:

“Some members of our party like his positions on vaccines, but other than that he’s a liberal,” said Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.). “That’s not going to work.”

Wrong! Bob Jr. is a wingnut on pro-life, wingnut enough to tout one place that talks about the "abortion as Black genocide" canard.

Donalds isn't alone, though, as there appears to be a "Florida Man" gangup. Pedo pusher Matt Gaetz:

“Oftentimes people can donate to someone that they’re not even voting for just to see their argument platforms,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.). “We’ve seen those calls among the sort of junior varsity slate of Republicans seeking the nomination, so I’m not as concerned about [donors].”

And Lil Marco:

“Really what you’re talking about is what impact could he have in five or six states that are going to be competitive, [if he’s] on those ballots,” said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who has not yet endorsed in the 2024 race. “Frankly, I don’t know how many voters out there are willing to spend their vote on a candidate they think has no chance to win,” he said.
They are scared. At that first link, I noted states that come more into play, or states like Arizona and Georgia that Biden narrowly won in 2020 that are a bit more likely to stay in his column with Bob Jr. in the race.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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RFK Jr. bringing new donor bucks into race
