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Libertarian Party stupidity and chicken-shittery on abortion


The Libertarian platform talks about people owning their own bodies, it does NOT explicitly tie that to "reproductive choice" or "abortion." Neither is mentioned in the platform.  And, per this "Libertarians on abortion" piece, that platform schwaffling (despite its PR bullshit) is deliberate. Per that link, why not explicitly say in the platform what the piece says? "Libertarians recognize that abortion is a controversial issue, therefore bodily self-ownership should not be taken as an endorsement of abortion." The reality is that Libertarians, IMO, think that most lowercase libertarians believe the party is pro-choice and won't disabuse them. It's bullshit.That's why this piece, discussing the 2018 platform, and that the government should "stay out" of this issue, is also laughable. Since abortion became medically safe, not doing anything is "taking a side." 

That's whether the government says all abortions up to the moment of childbirth are OK, none at all are, none after 6 weeks, none after 12 weeks, or whatever.

It's whether the government says that, or "says" that by silence, or whatever.

Since some people, including, stupidly, Ted Rall, believe abortion is murder, substitute "murder" for "abortion" in any of the above. You'll get laughed at. Since others believe that abortion falls under bodily autonomy, do what the LP should, but won't, and say "you own your own body unless there's a local consensus that you don't own your own body reproductively, and then you don't," and you'll get laughed at.

And, if government is supposed to stay out, then where do you go for a societal majority? Your voting precinct? Your quarter-section? Your city limits? 

Anyway, it's this, and RFK Jr's conservative cafeteria Catholic stance on abortion (and it's a nutty one) that's why he's an independent and will stay one.


I now await some Libertarian commenting that the party is "neither left nor right," which I have long said is itself bullshit.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Libertarian Party stupidity and chicken-shittery on abortion
