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Tex-ass constitutional amdts: Just Say No — homestead exemption


When I posted a few weeks ago about why Texans should vote "no," or even more loudly, "NO," on just about all the constitutional amendments on next month's ballot, I promised to do more in-depth breakouts on a few, and here we go.

I oppose the homestead exemption for various reasons. 

First is the jump from $40K to $100K is just way too big a jump. Something like $65K would be better.

Second? No COLA. At both the state and federal level, all sorts of things like this — minimum wage, amount of income  subject to FICA taxes, etc etc., — should have a COLA as part of them.

Third? The hypocrisy, similar to that of California's infamous Proposition 13. Economic conservative true believers claim to love capitalism — until their ox is gored by it.

Fourth? For people who rent houses, their landlords aren't required to pass it on. And, apartment owners aren't given relief, left alone relief with the requirement to pass it on.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Tex-ass constitutional amdts: Just Say No — homestead exemption
