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Tex-ass const amdts: Just Say No — energy fund


When I posted a few weeks ago about why Texans should vote "no," or even more loudly, "NO," on just about all the constitutional amendments on next month's ballot, I promised to do more in-depth breakouts on a few, and here we go.

The main reason I oppose this, Prop. 7, is Wayne Christian's and Dan Patrick's still ongoing blathering, ie, lies, about how renewable energy cause the Uri blackouts. A state energy fund, per the amendment's language, is nothing less and other than a handout to the fossil fuel industry, as renewable energy doesn't have electric generation plants, and it offers no help to renewable electricity battery storage. And, the Legiscritters who drafted this particular amendment all know that, too.

Friend Chris Tomlinson at the Chronicle agrees in much more detail. In essence, the would-be bribe to power generators is a way to try to bind them to building natural-gas plants even if — and WHEN, as they told the Lege — they don't want to. So, a handout to the Dunn/Wilks crowd.

And a form of virtue signaling.

Note: While Chris and I were both thinking of natural gas, Capital and Main says that coal-fired power plant construction is still happening, and yes, in the US and Europe.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Tex-ass const amdts: Just Say No — energy fund
