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Texas Progressives talk White greed, White stupidity and more


This corner of the Texas Progressives stands with Palestine as we bring you this week's Roundup, personally curated.

The Trib writes about the vouchers bill the Senate just passed. Contra Brandon Creighton, "the market" doesn't exist or work the way he says, and without metrics, individual parents can't make some version of "the market" work anyway. And, since state funding to public schools is based in part on WADA, it WILL cut funding to them. Let's add that private schools are not required to offer special education, are not required to offer LEP services, are not required to offer bus transportation services, but can discriminate on the basis of economic class and other things. 

The Senate's ban on private vax mandates includes ... doctors' offices and clinics. "I'm here to get my COVID shot" from an antivaxxer nurse? Let us hope that, as in the regular session, the House 86's this just like vouchers. It's also "interesting" that Kelly Hancock, after protesting this portion of the bill, nonetheless voted for the final version. Guess one act of "rebellion" this year was enough.

Kerr County Commissioner Rich Paces is costing the county $250K in election costs because he's a conspiracy theorist, but, contra the story and the county GOP head, he's not alone. I mean, he had to get two other votes to agree with him on the commissioners court, for starters. (Shock me that Bob Hall lurks in the background.) Also shock me that it's the old White folks — mainly retirees who moved to Tex-ass from out of state — ginning up the stupidity in Kerrville.

TCEQ says it's OK for petrochemical cancer alleys to keep on keeping on.

SocraticGadfly looks at Wayne Christian following Susan Combs into dunes sagebrush lizard hating antienvironmentalism.

RIP Will Hurd's presidential campaign —and in all likelihood, his future electoral politics history.

Longform from the Monthly: Greedy White folks grasping to get Black-owned land without clear modern title south of College Station. Bonus points: Involves Seth Rich conspiracy theorist legal beagle and Booger County Mafia lover Ty Clevenger.

Dos Centavos has a few thoughts about one of the Mayoral debates and Greg Abbott's special session voucher and border schemes on another edition of Thoughts on Viernes.

Chris Hooks looks at Former Fetus Forever Fuckwad Jonathan Stickland meeting with racist Nick Fuentes, and how the people attacking Stickland are themselves being attacked, by the same types of people who "Jew-baited" former Speaker Joe Straus to his face.

Off the Kuff looks at the 30 day finance reports for Houston Mayor and City Controller candidates. 

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said that despite playing by all the rules, State. Rep Ann Johnson is being attacked by corrupt AG Ken Paxton.

US Anesthesiology Practices is another reason the US needs a British-style NHS, not "just" single-payer national health care.

Postal Service gets busted lying for what it has done, or not, in preventing heat-related illness and death for carriers.

Vegan ranching in Brazoria County. Yes, you read that right.

Diana Nyad, liar.

Reform Austin notes that Houston's domestic violence gun homicides rose 60 percent after permitless carry was passed.

The Fort Worth Report documents what you can do if you encounter a hate group in a public place.

The TSTA blog connects the push for vouchers to the racists and anti-Semites behind Pale Horse Strategies. 

The Austin Chronicle finds the cringiest, most embarrassing proposal of the legislative session.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Texas Progressives talk White greed, White stupidity and more
