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Warmonger Joe doubles down on linking Israel and Ukraine, and other stupidity

Warmonger Joe Doubles Down On Linking Israel And Ukraine, And Other Stupidity

I heard a bit of his speech from the Oval on my radio while driving home, then read about it more.

And, he's full of shit.

On the radio, he said this would keep troops out of harm's way.

That's as US troops in Iraq and Syria (who shouldn't be there) have been attacked in recent days. This speech will only escalate that, beyond the fact that we're intervening in the Israel-Palestine fight.

On the story, he talks about us being "a beacon to the world" as a defender of democracy. This from the man who kisses Muhammad bin Salman's ass regularly in hopes of cheaper Saudi oil prices.

And, of course, the bottom line is "more bribery":

The president's aid proposal, still in flux, could amount to some $100 billion, including a whopping $60 billion more for Ukraine, sources familiar with the draft have told ABC News.

Let us hope (and no, this ain't horseshoe theory) that the House GOP remains a clusterfuck, can't get a new Speaker, and that Patrick McHenry doesn't get given full powers as interim Speaker. As of yesterday evening, Gym Jordan was not withdrawing from the Speaker's race and McHenry was not getting such a grant, to last until the new House is sworn in. At the same time, McHenry said he wasn't taking the leadership on any legislation without such an explicit grant. Let us hope the House GOP will do the shutdown Nov. 17 rather than OK the Ukraine portion of that bribery. Problem is, House Democraps, including the Fraud Squad, will give McHenry such a grant, and let the Rethuglicans off their hook, so Warmonger Joe's $100 billion bribery bill gets passed.

(Update, Oct. 21: Gym Jordan has withdrawn, and at least half a dozen people, including Pete Sessions, the Congresscritter from AT&T, carpetbagging division, are interested. Well, this fits in with my hopes. Add in more Trump meddling in the race, and we may be here a while. The fact that he openly backed Jordan, and the House GOP caucus rejected him after his third failed vote, should also show that Trump's coattails don't extend everywhere, not even in his national GOP of today. Also, the far right within the House GOP, and their PACs and super PACs, ginning up a barrage of email and phone calls against House GOP members who wouldn't support Jordan, reportedly including death threats, is itself an issue.)

At Mondoweiss, Mitchell Plitnick compares this linkage of Israel and Ukraine vs Palestine and Russia to Shrub Bush's infamous "axis of evil."

Voters agree with me more than Warmonger Joe, too:



But, we know that Warmonger Joe isn't listening to these polls. While not a majority, a 40-percent minority, as reported by Responsible Statecraft, had similar thoughts on Ukraine a full year ago.

Meanwhile, people from State Department staffer Josh Paul (with other "striped coats" in sympathy) to ADL researcher Stephen D. Rea (no, really) are resigning from the government or their organizations over the hard line on Palestine.

Seriously, I'll take that first, the shutdown. I'm that fucking tired of this, and no, contra USA Today, Warmonger Joe did NOT make his case for bribing either Israel or Ukraine.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Warmonger Joe doubles down on linking Israel and Ukraine, and other stupidity
