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Texas Progressives discuss Warmonger Joe and more


As shown in the Louisiana governor's race, Black Democratic backing for Warmonger Joe is getting softer. There, turnout was way down; nationwide, Biden's percentage of support is softening. I think that's in part because, contra turd-polishing on the economy by the likes of Krugman, lower income people of any race are facing economic headwinds.

Warmonger Joe is getting the support of Warmonger Greg in Tex-ass, as Abbott tells Texas public schools to teach Zionism propaganda courtesy of the Anti-Defamation League and others. (Is Tim Dunn OK with this? Former Fetus Forever Fuckwad Jonathan Stickland and best bud Nick Fuentes?)

Speaking of? SocraticGadfly said he would accept no new Speaker of the House, even a government shutdown in a few weeks, if that's what ti takes to block $100 billion in new foreign aid bribery. 

And, lots of Arab-Americans of all religious backgrounds, along with Muslims of all ethnicities, who voted for him in 2020 appear likely to take a pass on Biden this time. I'll assume they're not voting Trump. Since Justin Amash opted not to run Libertarian, that means Green or Cornel West wherever he might be on the ballot. Bob Jr. also cuts blank checks to Zionism, so that's not happening.

City of San Marcos has to cough up $175K to Wendy Davis, three others, over 2020 Trump Train incident and city police non-responsiveness. TML is paying half on insurance; the city's half, under $100K, meant no city council vote needed. A bit weaselly! Police officers required to undergo training re voter intimidation and related policing issues.

So far, Colony Ridge is a nothingburger.

Wingnuts pissed off that Denton ISD is starting a school health clinic funded in part with Medicaid money.

Art Briles, bullshitter extraordinaire. The former Baylor head coach and football player sexual abuse facilitator claims he knows nothing about his ghostwritten bio, among the BS. (The ghoster has called Briles a liar.)

Off the Kuff gave a couple of campaign finance updates for Houston City Council. 

Dos Centavos is excited about about Los Texmaniacs and La Marisoul's Grammy noms. 

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project made his recommendations for 2023 Houston municipal elections. 

 Raise Your Hand Texas urges us to listen to Texas teachers. 

The Austin Chronicle reported on a protest of Berry Aviation at the San Marcos Regional Airport for its role in flying migrants out of Texas at the behest of Ron DeSantis. 

The Current writes about the controversy surrounding singer Joe Lopez, a convicted sex offender who was going to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Tejano Music Awards in San Antonio before a public outcry scrapped it.  

Evil MoPac has some advice for new arrivals in Austin from California.

Philly Dems boot out Working Families Party member. But why? WFP people all vote Democrap beyond the local level in the end anyway.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Texas Progressives discuss Warmonger Joe and more
