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Observer peddling religion/spirituality/ghosts


Other untrue metaphysics to come?

For the second time in a month, the Observer seems to be touting religion as a get-out-of-jail card (literally), ignoring that secular people, including secular inmates, can be just as moral or "spiritual" as the religious. Here's the previous one, about which I said, I hate the death penalty, but, re the Observer's story about people seeking clemency for a man on death row, and especially regarding the headline, what's being Jewish got to do with it? Per the body of the story, what's being religious in general got to do with it?

Both are by Michelle Pilcher, who apparently has an agenda of sorts in regard to this. And, is a bit frou-frou. This story about an old Confederate women's organization's building in Austin could have been written without the haunted house front half. Or conclusion.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Observer peddling religion/spirituality/ghosts
