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Peter Daou going full DEFCON V on leaving the West campaign

Peter Daou had this to say to people questioning him on his announcement yesterday on leaving the Cornel West presidential campaign as its campaign manager, discussed by me in an update to both where West stands after leaving the Green Party and also an update as to who was more daft, Daou or West.

I'm embedding the whole Tweet, in its expanded full version, with boldface also on the original.

Commentary comes at the end.

To armchair Twitter quarterbacks who keep questioning my motives, here's a reality check: 
I saved Cornel West's campaign (and Marianne Williamson's, for that matter) from financial insolvency and complete internal disarray. 
I created solid infrastructure, stabilized finances, built effective teams, encouraged unionization, and led both candidates to their highest poll numbers of the race. 
Importantly, Dr. West's tweets, statements, and political/strategic decisions were entirely his own. 
And frankly, it's repulsive to suggest a Black man of his intellect and stature is not making his own decisions. My only policy role was to help refine and launch his platform, written by his policy director, which has received praise from many quarters. 
People who spew b.s. about me don't have the slightest idea the mess I inherited at the Williamson and West campaigns, and the tireless work I did to get both campaigns on track to challenge the duopoly. At a toll to my own well-being. 
Another fact: My personal beliefs are significantly to the left of both candidates I've worked for this cycle. 
Finally, I remain deeply grateful to @JillStein for bringing me to Dr. West's campaign, and to him for giving me the opportunity to support his mission.

Seeing what I have of West, and taking a guess at Williamson, I have no doubt that he brought better financial stability and organization to both. Knowing Williamson's anti-union past and other things, I don't doubt he's to the left of her politically. 

But, having read West's platform fairly closely? Unless he pushed West to move his platform further left after taking over (and he explicitly denies it), I find it laughable that a 2016 Hillbot, a 2020 neutralist who was OK with Bernie after helping Williamson then, and helping her again this year, suddenly became a secret member of the Marxist-based Party of Socialism and Liberation.

To take one example? West favors actual socialism in health care, a British-type NHS government ownership of the health care system. (So do I.) NEVER heard Daou talk about that one, from 2020 on, and of course, certainly not before that. Others that are beyond the GP and more in line with traditional social democracy, European style? Workers on corporate boards of directors; 

Others domestically left that I've not heard Daou mention before? Black reparations; 

Outgreening the Greens to essentially make the Green New Deal Global? (I agree with that one too.) Oh, and also globally, disbanding NATO and other things.

And, it's not just "to the left," but "significantly to the left." Sure.

Per what others have said on Twitter in response to the original announcement, I don't doubt that PTSD may be behind the emotional rage.

But, as to why they're hating? Peter, it's your own history. You've put yourself behind the eight-ball, PTSD aside. And, I doubt you'll be asked to help another presidential campaign, with bridge burning like this..

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Peter Daou going full DEFCON V on leaving the West campaign
