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Eight months of being Sy Hersh red-pilled about Nord Stream 2


A couple of weeks ago, Seymour Hersh wrote on Substack: "A YEAR OF LYING ABOUT NORD STREAM" (sic on the all caps).

And, my title, without the screaming all-caps header, is because it was eight months ago that Sy was apparently red-pilled (and trying to red-pill others) half-willingly due to possible ax-grinding, and perhaps that ax-grinding not all his own. And, per a set-up piece a week ago, as Sy showed inwriting about Osama bin Laden and Abbottford, his aa-grinding is nothing new.
As for the details? I still stand by the idea of ax-grinding, and I still think the Navy Seals are Sy's most likely target. That willingness to ax-grind lets him be red-pilled as far as the big picture, and fed enough erroneous information that the #BlueAnon wing of Nat-Sec Nutsacks™ can not only mock him for everything he gets wrong but use it to deny US involvement.

In all likelihood, it just may have been the Seals who did this.

There's no way we've uptrained a Ukrainian team that much; the yacht idea comes off as something else floated out there as a distractor. Russia wouldn't cut its own throat. Germany might be able to pull this off, unlike Ukraine, but wouldn't have actually done so without a US sign-off.

So, that leaves Merikkka, only in a much less complicated way.

Whoever Hersh's source is could have fed him some deliberately contaminated information, knowing he'd run with it, get mocked not only by the Nat-Sec Nutsacks™but the Op-Sec type world in general, even if not nutsacks, and beyond that, leftists like me and Jeff St. Clair for how much he had wrong, thus getting the MSM to laugh and to buy the government line that Russia did it.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Eight months of being Sy Hersh red-pilled about Nord Stream 2
