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Texas Greens infighting


Via Twitter, per Tarrant Greens, Houston Greens have been party disaffiliated as of last year's state party meeting. 

I assume that Greater Houston Area Greens is the local, as its Twitter account hasn't posted since last May, as in last YEAR May.

I forgot there was another Texas GP purge back in 2021.

Reality? This is yet another case of my non-twosiderism within the left political world. I think transgenderism and transsexualism are not the same, but, at the same time, saw how the Georgia Green Gang was willing to partner with antisemites and others, and I called in 2021 for a pox on both houses. (The GaGP, now the former such, booted me from a dissidents' email list.) At the third time, the "Lavender Greens" are home for full-on nutters like Cynthia BrianKate fulfilling every bad well-known "woke" stereotype and some others not well-known.

No proof  of the charge was cited in the tweet, and out in the sticks, I don't follow Denton Greens as they're not on Twitter. And, the state party website has nothing but an advance calendar listing and no discussion of actions taken. Way to keep people informed!

And, I also think Texas Greens, via the national party, sound lackadaisical with the "we have ballot access through 2026."

You had all of three candidates in 2022. For 2024, Cornel West wasn't breaking 2 percent if he was on the GP ballot and of course, he's gone now. Neither is any Green in the US Senate race. No state executive offices will be on the ballot in 2024. That leaves state Supreme Court and CCA races plus a Railroad Commission slot. And, from 2018 on, Greens have been AWOL on judicial runs.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Texas Greens infighting
