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Texas Progressives talk special session and Warmonger/Wallbuilder/Palestine-hater Joe


Lufkin Legiscritter Trent Ashby is begging voters to support growth for growth's sake (much of the Texas "economic miracle" along with Ill Eagles and earl), the theology of the cancer cell. Here's what growth for growth's sake does to Texas nature.

3D-printed houses: cool enough, pun intended, that the next Lege will probably outlaw them.

The oily Railroad Commission in general and Jim Wright in particular are giving the public one month to comment on rules they've been creating in secret for two years. The REAL problem, per the Trib piece, is there is no federal standard on oilfield waste.

Off the Kuff brings the news about a wingnut freakout over a housing development in Liberty County. (This is part of Strangeabbott's special session call.)

SocraticGadfly looks at Cornel West's pivot from Green to independent.

I hate the death penalty, but, re the Observer's story about people seeking clemency for a man on death row, and especially re the headline, what's being Jewish got to do with it? Per the body of the story, what's being religious in general got to do with it?

The Observer then talks about Wallbuilder Joe, but doesn't suggest the possibility of voting Green or Cornel West if he's on the ballot. Actually, it's by Truthout originally, which doesn't talk about voting options nationally. Nor does the story author ask the Center for Biological Diversity spox if THEY have done a duopoly exit. "Shockingly," #BlueAnon Off the Kuff has nothing to say about Wallbuilder Joe.

Nonetheless, Warmonger Joe, and more explicitly, background allies, are of course trying to keep all non-duopoly candidates off the ballot. (Shades of Hillary clearing the GOP field for Trump in 2016, eh?) More than Bob Jr. and West, the focus for now is No Labels. Shock me that Marc Elias is there on law work, or Reid Hoffman on money.

Let's not forget Palestine-hater Joe, even as it's clear the Hamas offensive was provoked.

Shingles? Painful but not deadly. TB? Kills more than 1 million a year globally. Shingles? Bothers people without bigger worries in life in the US. TB? If it does kill Americans, they're in the underclass. So, GlaxoSmithKline, with the chance to do right or make more money? Chose to make more money with a shingles vaccine rather than a TB one. 

Here's the semifinalists in this year's state fair food competition.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said we should not willingly yield our right to protest at the homes of elected officials. People with power can't be allowed to define acceptable ways to protest. 

The Austin Chronicle implores that we stop trying to make school vouchers happen.  

Reform Austin reports on red state policies shortening lifespans. 

The Fort Worth Report talks to legal experts about that nun drama in Arlington. 

The Texas Observer highlights a report on an increase in domestic violence murders in our state.  

Progress Texas presents its endorsements for the state constitutional amendment elections.  

Texas 2036 points out that an increase in insurance premium tax collections is a key driver of state revenue growth.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Texas Progressives talk special session and Warmonger/Wallbuilder/Palestine-hater Joe
