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Israel-Gaza: Quick thoughts


First, here in the US, it's "amazing" how many librulz who hate Putin also hate Palestinians, as we discuss the Hamas attack. Many of them, like many neocons and the Religious Right, repeat the typical lie that anti-Zionism is antisemitism. They're getting either muted or blocked on Twitter.

Per that story and this from the Guardian, and contra the chuds noted above, this attack was provoked, above all by far-right Zionists deliberately visiting the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and praying there, in contravention of an agreement. The Guardian also notes increasing violence by Zionist settlers against Palestinians in occupied lands. The Guardian also talks about Egyptian complicity in Gaza's woes, something else that the chuds like to magnify to claim that all Arabs hate Palestinians:

The exact reasons for the attack are not clear, but there has been growing violence for months between Israeli soldiers and settlers and Palestinians in the West Bank. Armed settlers have attacked Palestinian villages; militants in the West Bank have attacked soldiers and settlers, and there have been repeated IDF raids on Palestinian cities.
During the past week, some Jews have prayed inside the compound of al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City. The area around the mosque is known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif and is the third holiest place for Islam after Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. To Jews, it is known as Temple Mount, and is venerated as the site of the biblical Jewish temple. Jews are not permitted to pray inside al-Aqsa compound; to do so is highly provocative. Hamas has called its current offensive Operation al-Aqsa Deluge.
The longer backdrop is a 16-year blockade of Gaza by Israel and Egypt that has almost destroyed the strip’s internal economy and has caused hardship for the people living there.

There you are.

Second, as for the violence itself, there are no winners. 

Contra some far leftists, I oppose Hamas taking child hostages or otherwise targeting children. I don't really "like" adult hostages, but Israel has done the same. And, yes, Israel even targets children at times, too. There, I think it's two wrongs definitely don't make a right; children, especially younger ones, don't have choices. Also, beyond the normal chuddishness, it's bad optics for Hamas.

As for the use of the word "hostages"? Mondoweiss reminds us that captured Israeli soldiers are properly called "prisoners of war," and that the Zion-leaning US mainstream media in this and other ways abuses the use of the word "hostages." It also reminds us that, by Israel arresting Palestinians without charges and keeping them incarcerated without trials, IT is the hostage taker.

As for geopolitical "winners" and "losers"?

Hamas will take punishment from Israel, but, the pushback against Israel will make it a winner of some sort.

Fatah and Abbas? Clear losers.

If other thoughts leaders in Israel agree with Ha'aretz, which squarely blames Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu for both the attack itself and the intelligence failure, then Netanyahu is a clear loser. Can he even form an "emergency coalition," as he is begging Yair Lapid and others, or will he be forced out?

Turkey is a definite winner if Erdogan can get Israel and Hamas to agree to enter negotiations, even if the process is shambolic.

Iran is a winner.

And, the IDF is a clear loser. The attack and the battles show that the Israel Defense Forces aren't almighty. A legend has been shattered, which many like me hadn't believed for years anyway.

As for the chuds? Israel has lied to the United States, and we've willingly swallowed it, for at least 56 years. I'm talking about the USS Liberty, if you don't know. And, per James Bamford, "Russiagate" was really "Israelgate" to some degree, as well as there being a separate Israelgate beyond Israel hijacking Assange and Russia's plans.

Related? American voters continue to be losers as long as they stay inside the duopoly. Noah Berlatsky lumping the Democratic on the street voter with national Dem thought leaders in claiming that Democrats have become more sympathetic to Palestinians in recent years is a form of sheepdogging.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Israel-Gaza: Quick thoughts
