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Top blogging of September


Started this a couple of days late, but here we go. Again, these are not all from September, but the top 10 by viewership for the month. Old posts will be indicated as such.

No. 10? I called out British Army leadership warmonging on Ukraine, especially as doubled down on by warmonger Timothy Garton Ash.

No. 9? I called out BlueAnon for trying to prematurely apply the 14th Amendment to Trump.

No. 8 was a Texas Progressives roundup with Ken Paxton and Bryan Slaton news.

No. 7 was about the Texas Senate, "the best little whorehouse in Texas" in the Paxton trial.

No. 6? An oldie from 2021 but still true, as "Breath" is still classist and elitist New Age bullshit.

No. 5? Ralph Nader jumping the lesser evilism shark.

No. 4 was my review about Michael Kazin's bio of William Jennings Bryan, and Kazin portraying him overly glowingly and a Dem sheepdogger 100 years or so prior to St. Bernard of Sanders. See my sidebar / spinoff on Substack more explicitly about the history of Democratic sheepdogging.

No. 3 is about the new JFK assassination conspiracy theory book. (I'm willing to be harsher than Gerald Posner, who looked only at Paul Landis and not his coauthor, James Robenalt.)

No. 2, speaking of conspiracy theorists, is about RFK Jr.s deliberately leaked plans to run not as a Democrat but as an independent.

No. 1 is John Anthony Castro being a JAC-off.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Top blogging of September
