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Nobel Prize for mRNA work


No, not the COVID vaccine, but the scientists who first developed the idea of using messenger RNA as a transmission vector in a vaccine. #Schadenfreude for the antivaxxers in general and Dr. Robert Malone in particular, eh?

That said, I won't do quite as many huzzahs and handsprings at the Nobel Committee, let alone the old Skeptical Raptor. Let us remember on COVID, while an mRNA vax is better than nothing, contra what the presser at the first link indicates, it appears to be less effective than other types of COVID vaccines. Will this be true of other new plagues that visit us? Let us also remember the -100C or whatever temperatures these vaxxes need to be stored at, versus other COVID vaxxes that can be kept at something closer to conventional freezer temperatures, and also have longer lifespans.

I worry that this, especially in capitalist America, will indeed crowd out other vaccines.

Finally, a reminder from Retraction Watch that whether here or in other natural sciences, or in the Piss Prize (looking at you, Dear Leader, who according to James Bamford was trying to land a second in 2016), that Nobel Prizes aren't guarantors of all-around wisdom.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Nobel Prize for mRNA work
