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#BlueAnon BS on the Fetterman flap

#BlueAnon BS On The Fetterman Flap

I'm talking about the Senate dress code, or now lack thereof, and now returned again, flap.

Clothes may make the man, or woman; they do, also make the class distinctions.

And? If you don't want that, you can go to "The Gods Must Be Crazy" and its allegedly possessions-free, seemingly class-free ¡Kung San! or else to Thomas Hobbes' government-free "Warre of all against all."

If not, and contra David Graeber's and David Wengrow's BS spinning, you're in a world of at least some level of class distinctions. And, as part of that, I support the U.S. Senate having a dress code.

Re Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman of "hoodies and shorts" infamy in particular?

Slate, like other Blue Anon, engages in goalpost-shifting and other things re Fetterman and Senate dress.

First, Fetterman dressed like that before he ever had a stroke. This has nothing to do with his current potentially still diminished ability. And, with the official Senate dress code, he donned a suit just fine yesterday, per

Second, it's a form of ableism in reverse to say he can't dress better. Plenty of other stroke victims, many with more longer-term damage than him, do so. And, since misused ableism or reverse ableism is a form of being wrongfully #woke, that's the one tag for this post.

Third, if he really can't dress better due to diminished ability? Shouldn't he join #DropOutJoe, or "Bye Bye Betty Crocker" (Feinstein) if it's also affected his mental ability? (Please, no citing Roman Hruska on Supreme Court nominees.)

Besides, he's just another Democratic Senate warmonger on Russia-Ukraine, and a squish at best, garden Democrat at worst on Israel, so no kid-gloves treatment from me in general.
Beyond that, doesn't Chuck Schumer have better things to do as Senate Majority Leader?

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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#BlueAnon BS on the Fetterman flap
