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All things Paxton, the latest


Dade "Dade" Phelan, Texas House Speaker, said "the fix was in from the start" in an op-ed he wrote for his hometown Beaumont Enterprise. That, in turn, set off not only Dan Patrick Goeb himself, but the full Senate Republican Caucus. Danny Boy also sounds increasingly defensive about the whole Laura Olsen non-testifying deal. As he should.

The Paxton prosecutors also talked about politics in the trial — and afterward, as in Danny Boy's speech. Rusty Hardin:

“I think that was the most classless political moment that, in my life, I’ve ever experienced,” Hardin added.

Well, there you go. He's seen a lot of classlessness in his career, political and otherwise.

And, Dick DeGuerin:

The acquittal was a triumph of politics over facts, DeGuerin said, calling it an “unfair result that was based on politics and not on principle.”

And, impeachment prosecutor Erin Epley accused Danny Boy of a half-truth re Olson. Shock me.

The Fort Worth Report talks to Sen. Kelly Hancock, one of only two Republicans to vote to convict Paxton.  On the three of the 16 charges where he voted to acquit, he said "Acquittal is not innocent."

Turd Blossom Rove calls bullshit on Paxton's conspiracy claims.


The Monthly has a boatload of readings.

Forrest Wilder talks about winners and losers (besides We the non-Christofascist People). He all but calls the House impeachment managers suckers. Also losers, that I didn't think of, and the first two cases, had missed? Gohmert Pyle, aka Louie Gohmert, Chip Roy, Tricky Ricky Perry and Rove all came out in advance as pro-impeachment.  He also lists Strangeabbott as a loser, especially if Goeb's vitriol sinks his school voucher plan in the House, which it may not, given that, per another post, at least one House Demcritter is already mewing "compromise." Angela Paxton is thrown in there, on the charges that she may not have known every bit of this about Warren in advance, and now that she does and that hubster is in the federal crosshairs, she's waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Speaking of? Sandra Villareal discusses "the biblical womanhood of Angela Paxton."

In the wake of the shenanigans, Dan Solomon revives the "no coincidences in Austin" meme.

Alexandra Samuels watched Warren's gabfest with Cucker Tarlson so we didn't have to.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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All things Paxton, the latest
