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Do you really need another COVID booster?


Probably not.

First, as with previous boosters, they're not really "indicated" for anybody under 65.

The Conversation analyzes the new COVID vaccine. What they may not tell you is that COVID continues to get milder, and more and more upper, not lower, respiratory tract. In other words, more reason for COVID doomers to stop dooming.

Doctors say they're finding it increasingly difficult to distinguish Covid from allergies or the common cold, even as hospitalizations tick up. 
The illness' past hallmarks, such as a dry cough or the loss of sense of taste or smell, have become less common. Instead, doctors are observing milder disease, mostly concentrated in the upper respiratory tract.

That's that. Well, no, not totally. There's also this in that second link:

A study published this month found that long Covid rates declined once omicron became the dominant variant. Researchers don’t know if milder disease contributed to that trend, or if population immunity was largely responsible.

THAT is that.

Second, they're both, as far as the current boosters, the relatively ineffective (which the Conversation also won't mention) mRNA vaxxes, courtesy Pfizer and Moderna. Yes you should wait for Novavax, IMO, if you're wanting something different and most likely longer lasting. Sorry, but I don't care if they're an immunologist husband and wife. They also don't talk at all about why we don't have anything like J&J's vaccine, which is part of the Biden Administration screwing the pooch in general. 

As for Biden Administration making the shots free again, per cries of some #BernAnon and non-duopoly leftists?

Better yet, the Administration should get people to stop dooming, get the FDA and CDC to report out the minority report this spring that nobody under 50 needs a booster, and probably nobody under 65, because it's not cost-effective, and diminishing returns and other things, and thus cut off the Pfizer and Moderna gravy train.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Do you really need another COVID booster?
