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Dems in the Texas Lege about to shoot themselves on vouchers?


Dems in the Lege talk about "weak consensus" in the party (shock me) ahead of Strangeabbott's special session on school vouchers. I'll await the turd-polishing by state-level #BlueAnon pundits if the Dems get rolled.

More on that weak consensus popped up elsewhere at Evan's Texas Trib Fest swan song/return from retirement, as one House Demcritter, Barbar Gervin-Hawkins, publicly talked about compromise on the issue.

The TSTA Blog says that a school voucher by any other name is still a rotten deal for public schools.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Dems in the Texas Lege about to shoot themselves on vouchers?
