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Texas Progressives talk constitutional amendments, more


Off the Kuff brings you a look at the Constitutional amendments on the ballot, including the one you should definitely vote against. 

SocraticGadfly calls Dan Patrick's bluff on impeachment-related constitutional amendments, and also offers his take on the amendments actually on the ballot. 

Stace has a few thoughts about the border, COVID, and the losing loser on another edition of Thoughts on Viernes.

RFK Jr. is flirting with the Libertarian Party. And, Rasmussen is polling him as an independent/third party candidate and the numbers say "Drop Out Joe."

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project noted that HISD Board of Managers' member Janette Lindner favors some State of Texas takeovers, while opposing others, Mike Miles begs for five years at Houston ISD.

Sarah Stogner is running for the RRC again — but on the Forward Party banner. (Independent Political Report promises an interview.)

The Texas Observer considers the plight of firefighters in a record-breaking hot summer. 

The Observer has an update, a first-person personal profile piece from Kathleen McElroy.

How hot is it? Ridiculously hot in an un-airconditioned Texas prison at night in a summer like 2023; the Observer got inmates to speak.

So, Jeff St. Clair won't run my Ed Abbey snark but will run this ... mildly amusing piece which has nothing to do with the US, or politics?

In the Pink Texas looks at the impeachment debacle through an adultery lens.

Will the AfD, through its surge, and the Greens and Social Democrats both shooting themselves in the foot, force itself into parliamentary acceptability in Germany? The Greens, after all, were once rejects.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Texas Progressives talk constitutional amendments, more
